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Colorado Buffaloes (official thread)

One of the comments was great:


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One of the comments was great:


You laugh, but put a up north cocksucker's shirt on the guy and you have one of the top dudes for the game. That might explain the highlights of gameplay always showing Ohio State getting burned. The recent one is a shot of the crowd and Ohio State fans are doing the surrender cobra losing to LSU.
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"I don't know nothing about that video game," Deion Sanders said this week at the Big 12 Media Days.

"I am not a video game guy. I love video games, but I'm a real game guy. You guys talk about ratings and rankings; I don't know about that stuff. I'm just trying to figure out how Shedeur can be tied with another person. How did that happen?"
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Subaru Outback is the official whip of Boulder.

I don’t know….I was in Boulder this weekend for a wedding and parked my Outback between 2 Subaru Foresters at the trailhead for our morning hike. The official count for the lot was 3 Foresters, 2 Outbacks, and 1 Impreza.