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Colorado Buffaloes (official thread)

He’s facing a $11.89M lawsuit alleging he attacked a security guard at a Texas high school in 2015.

He was 15 and he attacked a security guard badly enough to warrant a $11.89M lawsuit??
A suit filed in Dallas District Court in 2016 alleged the security guard, John Darjean, had “sustained severe and permanent injuries including a broken neck, damage to his cervical spine, permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence,”
And he wasn't put in jail??? Ugh.

Sanders lost the judgement when it went to trial in 2022, and failed to appear.
Failed to appear??? HAHAHA.

I didn't mind Deion Sanders, but that was before I knew he was letting his son play with all of these off-field issues.
Have him clean up these messes before you let him back in uniform.
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Colorado wins by year:

2014: 2
2015: 4
2017: 5
2018: 5
2019: 5
2020: 4 (Covid year)
2021: 4

2022: 1
2023: 4

he has them in basically the exact same place 4 or 5 wins) they've been for the last decade
On the field yeah

But people are actually paying attention to them and bringing in big crowds for home games

Financially it has been a good ROI despite same dogshit W-L column
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On the field yeah

But people are actually paying attention to them and bringing in big crowds for home games

Financially it has been a good ROI despite same dogshit W-L column
And that's all great, but if he keeps churning out 4-8/5-7 teams, the sizzle will wear off pretty quickly and they'll be right back where they started, just with a clown in a fur coat and branded shades on the sidelines. He's shown nothing in his 2 offseasons there that indicates he has the first clue of how to construct a roster and run a D1 football team.
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And that's all great, but if he keeps churning out 4-8/5-7 teams, the sizzle will wear off pretty quickly and they'll be right back where they started, just with a clown in a fur coat and branded shades on the sidelines. He's shown nothing in his 2 offseasons there that indicates he has the first clue of how to construct a roster and run a D1 football team.

His mass transfer portal use is particularly hilarious because most of the moves are lateral at best, he really isn't improving the roster much, just bringing in equal talent guys to the guys who left and praying the perform a bit better than the last guy. It amuses me seeing people saying that Deion "kills it" in the portal, he does not.
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His mass transfer portal use is particularly hilarious because most of the moves are lateral at best, he really isn't improving the roster much, just bringing in equal talent guys to the guys who left and praying the perform a bit better than the last guy. It amuses me seeing people saying that Deion "kills it" in the portal, he does not.
Just wait until his kid goes to the NFL. Right now, Shadeur is the ONLY thing he has going for him.
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And that's all great, but if he keeps churning out 4-8/5-7 teams, the sizzle will wear off pretty quickly and they'll be right back where they started, just with a clown in a fur coat and branded shades on the sidelines. He's shown nothing in his 2 offseasons there that indicates he has the first clue of how to construct a roster and run a D1 football team.
I think the sizzle will wear off, and will wear off soon, but without him there would’ve never been sizzle in the first place.

It’s hard to get a good coach at a program like Colorado so turning it into a profitable circus for a few seasons isn’t a bad alternative to just sucking in obscurity during that time period.

They had nothing to lose hiring him. Now, they have a little to lose in terms of press and profit. I think they will lose it in spectacular fashion, but as the old saying goes: it’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.
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I think the sizzle will wear off, and will wear off soon, but without him there would’ve never been sizzle in the first place.

It’s hard to get a good coach at a program like Colorado so turning it into a profitable circus for a few seasons isn’t a bad alternative to just sucking in obscurity during that time period.

They had nothing to lose hiring him. Now, they have a little to lose in terms of press and profit. I think they will lose it in spectacular fashion, but as the old saying goes: it’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.
it sizzled out pretty fast once the losses started piling up last year.
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