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College Football Playoff (2015-16 Season)

I have no idea what the score is but I just got caught up with this thread. This is what I get from reading your game posts.

Herbie is getting his tips refrosted with Bama semen.
Something about Coke Zero, eggs, and the AT&T girl's ass.
Lane Kiffin hasn't changed.
Fowler doesn't watch the games he just reads from his cue cards.

Does that about sum it up?
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I have no idea what the score is but I just got caught up with this thread. This is what I get from reading your game posts.

Herbie is getting his tips refrosted with Bama semen.
Something about Coke Zero, eggs, and the AT&T girl's ass.
Lane Kiffin hasn't changed.
Fowler doesn't watch the games he just reads from his cue cards.

Does that about sum it up?

pretty much. And that sparty had no business being in the top 4. I heard that mentioned once or twice subliminally when they were talking about bama's "dominance."
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