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Should just use Media Player. Are you running Win XP?

Yea I got XP.

I have tried four different programs:Media Player, Winamp, Real Player, and VLC Media Player. This is what each of them say when I try to watch them.

Media Player-"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."

Real Player-"This clip cannot be played. It contains unexpected data and may be corrupted" and "Cannot play back the file. The format is not supported."

Winamp-It doesn't say anything, it just sits there and doesn't do anything.

VLC-Just freezes up and doesn't do anything.
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bit torrent is just to download it, doesnt effect playing it. You could try using g-spot on it. It will tell you exactly what type of file it is, and what codecs you need.

It SHOULD only need divx or xvid though, sounds like maybe you guys have an operating system problem or something.
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is it possible that there is a problem with Media Player which in turn is creating a conflict with all other media players? What about uninstalling and reinstalling and see if that works? I had a problem where I couldn't play any files with any program and uninstalled media player and that fixed it.... every file played.

Hasn't there been problems with Media Player 10... after I installed it over 9 is when all my problems started.
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