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High School Cleveland Glenville Tarblooders

sandgk said:
One Cleveland area columnist thinks so highly of Glenville he wants no more of the other 7 area programs.

Personally I think he's missing the point, but it does kind of underscore the huge shadow Ginn and Glenville now cast on the Ohio HS football landscape.
That article sounds bad for the high schools in Cleveland. Much should be said to the Glenville high athletes off the field performances as well. Theres proof in the pudding so to speak for Ted Ginn Sr and the outstanding job he has done raising kids up there.
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CoosMeister said:
I played against Milligan and Robiskie this year and let me tell you something. Milligan is better...
If he is such a superior athlete, he should skip the college scene and head straight to the NFL...

Brian Robiskie was recruited by two of the most elite college football programs in the nation, he obviously has some major talent.
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It is good I am not the coach, we wouldn't be very good. Have you ever seen Milligan play? I would guess not. You fail to notice Milligan led his team to a victory over Robiskies team...Scoring 3 times. He was double teamed every play of the game...look at film on it.

Just because Robiskie is a Buckeye shouldn't stop you from looking at it objectively.
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CoosMeister said:
Just because Robiskie is a Buckeye shouldn't stop you from looking at it objectively.
Objectivity has nothing to do with your hyperbole. You said :

"Milligan is FAR superior to Robiskie."

"Just absolutely doesn't compare he is so much better."

This seems like quite an endorsement of Milligan's abilities and value considering that Robiskie ended up deciding between offers from Miami and tOSU...two of the most storied programs in the nation. Your assessment of the separation between the two in actual talent lead to my allusion that Milligan should go straight to the pros due to this prowess...obviously tongue in cheek.

As for leading his team to victory, what exactly does that mean on the HS level? I could name plenty of TBs on the D5 or 6 level that lead their teams to victory every week...does that make them D1 prospects?

Also, a one game matchup does not complete an evaluation...otherwise, I'm sure you will argue the skills of one Mario Manningham over those of Jamario O'Neal.

Just because you did see the kid play...does not mean YOU should not look at it objectively no matter where your loyalties lie.

Your opinion is welcome, but lay off the hyperbole. There are a number of ways to say "I think Milligan is a better prospect than Robiskie."
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Fair enough. I played against both and in my opinion, Milligan is far superior to Robiskie. Is that better for you?

After leading his team to victory...what does that mean? That means he made a play when Robiskie didn't, against Robiskies team. While it means nothing to you, I think a lot of people look at records and see good teams have good football players on them. Robiskies team vs. Milligans team. Who won? I think Milligan is a better football player. What really good player plays for 0-10 football teams? Adam Myers-White? Yes, I think MM is a very good football player and is very very very comprable to JO. If not better. He beat him all night when they played.

Also, based on 2 offers from (actually 3 Florida was in it too I believe) top colleges. Let's see if Milligan gets offers. I think he should as I have stated before. Should he skip college? Do pigs fly? Just because I feel he is a much better player doesn't mean I don't think he should go to college? Thats like saying Tedd Ginn shouldn't go to college because he was better than say Randy Estes who is also a heck of a football player. Some players are much better than others and jsut because I think Milligan is betetr doesn't mean I am stupid and think he should skip college.

Just watch this year. Milligan will suprise you a lot. I was never impressed by Robiskie. Many of the coaches in the area that played against him were not impressed. Even the players on my team felt OSU was making a mistake when we offered him. He is big and fast but he just didn't make enough plays as to where I feel he is a top college player. Now he may become one and I may look stupid; right now, in my opinion, and in the opinion of my coaches, Milligan is just better. Plain and simple.
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Should he skip college? Do pigs fly? Just because I feel he is a much better player doesn't mean I don't think he should go to college? Thats like saying Tedd Ginn shouldn't go to college because he was better than say Randy Estes who is also a heck of a football player. Some players are much better than others and jsut because I think Milligan is betetr doesn't mean I am stupid and think he should skip college.
Well you are starting to grasp hyperbole...now you need to work on recognizing sarcasm:roll2:

I'm sure Milligan is a fine player and he will have his chance to shine at Glenville...

No profile on Scout or Rivals yet...
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After leading his team to victory...what does that mean? That means he made a play when Robiskie didn't, against Robiskies team. While it means nothing to you, I think a lot of people look at records and see good teams have good football players on them. Robiskies team vs. Milligans team. Who won? I think Milligan is a better football player. What really good player plays for 0-10 football teams?
Let me also add in that Joey Galloway's senior season at Bellaire HS ended at 1-9. I personally watched a punter kick the ball into the bleachers to avoid Joey.

Sometimes the best players do not have the help to be successful...

Unless you would like to argue that Joey was overrated as well?
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osugrad21 said:
Let me also add in that Joey Galloway's senior season at Bellaire HS ended at 1-9. I personally watched a punter kick the ball into the bleachers to avoid Joey.

Sometimes the best players do not have the help to be successful...

Unless you would like to argue that Joey was overrated as well?
i agree 100% especailly with skill guys. somebody has to throw you a good ball, or someone has to catch your ball.
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