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Cleveland Browns (Finally drafting Buckeyes)

Browns QB Deshaun Watson undergoing MRI on left ankle​

Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson is undergoing an MRI on his left ankle following Sunday's 33-31 victory over the Baltimore Ravens, according to coach Kevin Stefanski.

Watson injured the ankle during the first half but stayed in the game after getting it tested and taped at halftime. Watson left M&T Bank Stadium in a walking boot, but said he expects to play in Sunday's game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

"I'll be fine," he said. "Right now, I'm not feeling well, but I'll be fine. I'll be ready to go and ready for that opportunity for us."
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I feel like the Steelers game is a must win for the Browns. Not saying that they have no shot of making the playoffs if they lose since they've proven that they can go out and beat any team. The Steelers schedule for the rest of the season is extremely soft outside of the Browns, Ravens, 2 against the Bengals, and maybe the Seahawks. The Browns were 2 horrible plays away from whooping the Steelers in Shittsburgh so hopefully they can eliminate the mistakes and destroy the Steelers playoff hopes in one game.
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For those like me wondering if the Browns can get out of his cap hit if he can never play again… no. IR players still count against the cap in the NFL.

(as far as I know there is no reason to think he won’t recover, I was just curious)
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