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Cleveland Browns (Finally drafting Buckeyes)

The Cleveland Browns lost another key player to a season-ending injury.

Safety Rodney McLeod Jr., who started in place of the injured Juan Thornhill in Week 11, will need surgery to repair a bicep injury he suffered against the Pittsburgh Steelers, head coach Kevin Stefanski told reporters Monday. McLeod Jr. left the game in the fourth quarter and never returned.

Undrafted free agent Ronnie Hickman Jr. replaced McLeod Jr. and would likely assume the starting role for Week 12 if Thornhill can’t return from a calf injury.

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Slight possibility that pop could be a good thing
When I destroyed an ankle my recovery took a year
I remember I was playing and felt a pop... scared the shit out of me
Turned out it was scar tissue that gave way and actually helped

That's the same shoulder he hurt in the car accident
Let's hope it was scar tissue... but I'm not feeling it
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