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Cleveland Browns (Finally drafting Buckeyes)

Way too many games decided by final possessions in NFL football for fans to not believe something is going on behind the scenes. it's amazing how a team can be dominated all game long and then suddenly become world-beaters on the last possession. Bengals, meanwhile, become Superbowl contenders after looking completely shitty the first 3 weeks. Baltimore good once again, and the Steelers will somehow find a way to make the playoffs. As for the Browns, they'll be lucky to finish .500 again. They lose a key component and go out and pick up Pierre Woods. SMH.
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Way too many games decided by final possessions in NFL football for fans to not believe something is going on behind the scenes. it's amazing how a team can be dominated all game long and then suddenly become world-beaters on the last possession. Bengals, meanwhile, become Superbowl contenders after looking completely shitty the first 3 weeks. Baltimore good once again, and the Steelers will somehow find a way to make the playoffs. As for the Browns, they'll be lucky to finish .500 again. They lose a key component and go out and pick up Pierre Woods. SMH.

Less tin foil hat, spend more time around the real game itself. Get out to coaching clinics, rec games and such. You'll start to have a better understanding of what you're watching.
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