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Cleveland Browns (2012 season)

NFBuck;2210308; said:
Actually, Weeden might not make it to the 4th quarter. :lol: This is Doug Pederson level quarterbacking...

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last two years... we don't trade with Atl... we have Jones.... this past year... we still take Trich (despite the constant TB was gonna trade up shit).... then next year we take barkley... shit thats what you build around.. not a washout baseballer, and 2 WRs who didn't play the year we drafted them
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BUCK3YE5;2210319; said:
Shits are shit, no QB, no WR, fuck

With respect, we have no idea about the WR's because we
Cant get them the fucking ball. I also wasnt't aware that the
Wyco meant run blocking was optional...??

Seriously though, fuck whoever had the idea to take Weeden.
They're were only two worthy QB's in this draft. I knew it.
Most everyone here knew it and many Browns fans knew it.
Yet we're told the front Office knows better then the average fan.
While that is true, I'd love to assemble a war-room of Browns
Fans on this board because its clear many of us have the foresight
That ours simply doesnt.

On the bright side - minus the dropped screen. Trent looks the part.
Just need to block for the poor guy.
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