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Cincinnati Reds 2022 (burn it all down)

It looks like another evenings entertainment at the ol' #6 dance is underway.

Quick glance at real time box score and the Reds lineup tonight has
  • Only 2 guys with an OPS over 600
  • Only 1 guy with a BA over .250
  • 4 guys with a BA of .200 or lower
  • 1 guy (Aquino) with an OPS of .226...not BA, OPS of .226 which seems impossible to believe except, well...it's the Reds
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Just how bad are the Reds?

Well, the Reds lost again tonight. That puts them at 3-15, .167

If they continue at that pace for the entire year they will end up at 27-135......:lol:

Which would beat the 1916 Philadelphia Athletics for the worst record in baseball for the modern era (1900-present): 36-117, .235 and they only played 153 games.

Hell, they would come in second behind the 1899 Cleveland Spiders for the all time MLB worst record: 20-134, .130

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Just how bad are the Reds?

Well, the Reds lost again tonight. That puts them at 3-15, .167

If they continue at that pace for the entire year they will end up at 27-135......:lol:

Which would beat the 1916 Philadelphia Athletics for the worst record in baseball for the modern era (1900-present): 36-117, .235 and they only played 153 games.

Hell, they would come in second behind the 1899 Cleveland Spiders for the all time MLB worst record: 20-134, .130


The 1982 Reds won 7 of their first 18 games

Their best hitter was Danny Driessen who finished the year with 17 HR and a .758 OPS

They ended up losing 102 which is still the worst team I've ever seen on the field in a Reds uniform until this pack of mopes. They have the potential to be worse than the 1982 fucking reds. That is hard for me to comprehend.
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I had high hopes for him but he should be gone. If I practiced or you, or Jax or fucking tickle me Elmo, we could hit .050. You'd get lucky more than that shit

You could go up there blindfolded and literally throw the bat at the sound of a baseball being thrown.... and hit .050

Wily Mo Aquino's problem is he never learned to recognize, and certainly not adjust to, a breaking ball thrown down and away. He's not the only guy in MLB history but he is one of the more pronounced.

Weird fact: The last pitch he K'd on was a mid 90's fastball right down the middle. He's so fucked up now that he can't even hit the straight ball very much.
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Pham giveth and Pham giveth away. Tries to dive and make the catch on a ball ib thge 6th with bases loaded, 2 outs, and it goes under him to the wall for a bases clearing double. This after the bases were loaded on 4 pitch walk, hbp, hbp from Santillan. The stands look like a scrimmage might be happening between Moeller and St X so there's that.
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