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Dryden said:
Purdue is the anti-Ohio State. Check this out:
October 13	at No. 12 Michigan 	L 24-10
November 3	No. 18 Illinois 	L 38-13
November 10	at Ohio State 	        L 35-9
November 24	at Indiana 	        L 13-7
December 1	Notre Dame 	        L 24-18
December 31	vs Washington State 	L 33-27

September 7	at No. 12 Notre Dame 	L 24-17
September 21	Wake Forest 	        L 24-21
October 5	at No. 3 Iowa 	        L 31-28
October 12	at Illinois 	        L 38-31
October 19	No. 11 Michigan 	L 23-21
November 9	No. 2 Ohio State 	L 10-6

September 6	Bowling Green 	        L 27-26
October 25	at No. 4 Michigan 	L 31-3
November 15	at No. 6 Ohio State 	L 16-13 
January 1	vs No. 11 Georgia 	L 34-27

October 16	No. 12 Wisconsin 	L 20-17
October 23	No. 11 Michigan 	L 16-14
October 30	at Northwestern 	L 13-10
November 6	at No. 20 Iowa   	L 23-21
December 31	vs No. 20 Arizona State L 27-23
Of Purdue's 21 losses since 2001, 17 were by 7 points or fewer, with 9 of those being determined by a FG.

Nobody with this track record will compete for a national championship, let alone win one.
I'm stealing this
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
I'm stealing this
No prob. I looked this up awhile ago. I thought it was funny, given the pub on Ohio State through the 2002 season, that while OSU was winning all those close games by bringing in the closer, Nugent, Purdue was dropping six games by 7 points or less. Last year though, Purdue managed to drop five games all by 4 points or less.

It's definately a trend. After four seasons of this, it has to be in the head of Joe Tiller and every single player currently on the roster.
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I was just looking at the rankings and there is a very good possibility that we won't move up in the poll even if we win our next 2 games.

-USC and Texas are probably going to win out and play for the NC
-Miami will probably have to play Florida St again in the ACC title game, but I think Miami wins the rematch.
-LSU has to play Bama and the winner of that game will probably play Georgia in the SEC Title game. If Shockley is healthy I think Georgia beats either of those teams. We might move up a spot depending how this goes. If LSU beats Bama and loses a close one to Georgia they could all stay in front of us. If Bama whoops on both of them then we could jump them both. If Georgia loses to Auburn next week, Bama loses to LSU, and LSU loses to Florida in the SEC championship game we could jump them all.
-PSU plays at MSU and if they win they take the Big 10's BCS spot. I really hope John L Smith can pull one out of his ass.
-ND plays 3 cupcakes to end the season, they probably win out and go to a BCS game
-If VT and Miami win out VT will stay in front of us and not have to play in the ACC title game.
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I'm just guessing here, hawg, but did you perhaps do a thread search by typing in CBS instead of BCS?

Is that why this sucker got brought back to life? :biggrin:

You may want to post this on 'BCS Chances' on page 1 of the football board.

But since it's back, we can laugh at CBS for predicting Iowa in the Rose and Tennecheat in the Sugar.
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I'm just guessing here, hawg, but did you perhaps do a thread search by typing in CBS instead of BCS?

Is that why this sucker got brought back to life? :biggrin:

You may want to post this on 'BCS Chances' on page 1 of the football board.

But since it's back, we can laugh at CBS for predicting Iowa in the Rose and Tennecheat in the Sugar.

Search was "Bowl Predictions" Maybe I'll post it over on that thread too. I'm never one to pass up a repost. :p
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