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Some clown wrote an article for SI.com about how the refs favor the Cavs and want a Cavs/Lakers NBA finals. I sincerely hope that no one takes this filth seriously because its ridiculous. The refs have been just plain bad both ways. I guess the author never watches Turkoglu come off a pick and shove with his off arm every time. Or I guess he never sees Dwight Howard clear out with his elbows alot.

On a different note, Mo had better back up that talk with a really strong game tonight. Anything less than 20 pts with a shooting percentage in the high 40's would make me think that he should have just put his foot in his mouth. Its put up or shut up time...
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All I think it will take is Lebron being Lebron and any 2 other guys showing up. Right now the Cavs are making it easy on the Magic on the defensive end because they don't need to worry about the shooters. If Mo can start hitting his shot and MoFlo he can put up 30 easy. I'd like to see Joe Smith get more shots when he is in the game. If Z comes out again and can't hit the pick and pop it's time to change the rotation and give him fewer minutes. Maybe give Darnell Jackson some minutes on Howard as a change up. Give Wally and Boobie a shot as well. They can both hit shots if they are on.
The missed shots are killing us right now because we can't stop the Magic when they push the ball. If we hit more shots they get fewer easy buckets in transition and we win.
And for God sake Lebron go after Howard, especially when he is in foul trouble! When Howard is in foul trouble he backs away when Lebron goes after him not wanting another foul. Even then he's picked up a couple.
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aurorabuckeye13;1472128; said:
Some clown wrote an article for SI.com about how the refs favor the Cavs and want a Cavs/Lakers NBA finals. I sincerely hope that no one takes this filth seriously because its ridiculous. The refs have been just plain bad both ways. I guess the author never watches Turkoglu come off a pick and shove with his off arm every time. Or I guess he never sees Dwight Howard clear out with his elbows alot.
Orlando fans bitch a lot about refs period. They fail to realize that perimeter players driving to the basket are gonna get more calls than a big man.
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The refs are biased towards the Cavs? Really? Did that writer see the last 3 minutes of Game 2? Two charging calls and a travel on Lebron. 2 of 3 were the right call, but if you're going to give a superstar the break the media thinks he's getting, that would be the time...

... especially since the game was tight and the Cavs would have been down 2-0 going on the road if they had lost. Tell that writer to drop the ridiculous conspiracy theories.
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purplehaze1213;1472395; said:
James Goldstein. Some random super-rich dude that spends his whole life going to NBA games.
Damn. His house is off the fucking chain.

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