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Carp with Bulletin Board Material

The guys gotta keep their mouths shut, though. These kind of statements have really come back to hurt us in past years. Anybody remember what happened after Terry Glenn' s "Michigan ain't nothing"?

Quiet, respectful, kick their rears and tell them how impressive they were in defeat.

Oh, yeah, I think he will get his wish. Young will feel lucky to have lived through this...
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Steve19 said:
The guys gotta keep their mouths shut, though. These kind of statements have really come back to hurt us in past years. Anybody remember what happened after Terry Glenn' s "Michigan ain't nothing"?

Quiet, respectful, kick their rears and tell them how impressive they were in defeat.

Oh, yeah, I think he will get his wish. Young will feel lucky to have lived through this...

I dont think it was THAT extreme of a comment. If anything, its a compliment for Texas players to see that the best LB Corps in the nation have taken notice of his skills and plan on comming after him. Its no secret of who the battle is between and whats at stake for the teams. If Carpenter had opened his mouth and talked the way Winslow or Dorsey did pre-Fiesta, it would be something else. Or even the way Sproles commented on OSU the following year, but this is all in plan of attacks and using that mental game that Tress seems to be working with this year. Heres pretty much the full extint of what Carpenter means when he talks about QBs:

“We want to get a lot of turnovers and affect the quarterback,” Carpenter said. “Every player on defense has a sign in his locker that says, ‘We must affect the quarterback.’ And we have pictures up of every quarterback we’re going to face this year. So, any way we can affect them, that’s definitely our goal, whether it’s him throwing bad passes, throwing interceptions, fumbling the ball, us getting sacks. Whatever we do, we want to make sure that he feels it after the game and we’re going to try and do that every week.”
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Buckeye7OKC said:
"Our goal is when Vince Young leaves here he won't be a candidate for Heisman." Bobby Carpenter

The 'Shoe' is gonna rattle Vince Young and I can't wait!!!
6 More Days!!!
there is a distinction between Terry Glenn saying that scUM ain't nothing, or David Boston saying that we would win by four TDs, than for Carp to say that the goal is for VY to leave sans his Heisman Candidacy... that distinction is the subtle difference between saying "his Heisman run will end" and "our GOAL is to end his Heismam Candidacy." ... i hope that makes sense...

personally, i WANT the guys to state their goals... what i DON'T want is for them to discredit or disrespect the opponents... i don't think that Carp said anything disrespectful, because if the Silver Bullets do what i think they can do, that goal will be acheived...
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Buckeye7OKC said:
How's Vegas LV? I used to live there a few years ago. Lived off warm springs and eastern.
it's cool... well, no... actually it's hot... i live off Green Valley Parkway and Wigwam... we're practically neighbors! :p

the line will be out tomorrow... it was probably out tonight...
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That quote reminds me of that weekly "feature" the O-Zone had about the opposing QB's club and how each opposing QB came into the game as a Heisman hopeful and left banged-up instead. Then they all got together each week to warn that week's opponent.
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lvbuckeye said:
there is a distinction between Terry Glenn saying that scUM ain't nothing, or David Boston saying that we would win by four TDs, than for Carp to say that the goal is for VY to leave sans his Heisman Candidacy... that distinction is the subtle difference between saying "his Heisman run will end" and "our GOAL is to end his Heismam Candidacy." ... i hope that makes sense...

personally, i WANT the guys to state their goals... what i DON'T want is for them to discredit or disrespect the opponents... i don't think that Carp said anything disrespectful, because if the Silver Bullets do what i think they can do, that goal will be acheived...

Thanks, it made perfect sense to me. I also think that our D can hold these guys. I didn't mean to imply that he had been disrespectful or as out-of-line as Glenn was, but this kind of remark is the kind of thing that gives your opponent a rallying cry. It gives the opposition a point to rally around.

Here is my logic. There is something called "expectancy disconfirmation theory". It tells us that people react differently to information depending on what they expect to hear. They feel positively when the information is better than what they expected, neutral when it meets their expectations and negative when it is worse than they expected.

How does this theory apply? When Carp says something like this, he raises the expectations and ultimately affects the morale of both teams during the game. So, when Carp draws this line in the sand, Texas has a reason to still feel pretty positive if they are within a couple of touchdowns and Young has had limited success. Even if Ohio State is containing him and he is not having a standout day, there is still the nagging feeling that we may not have dominated him enough to take the Heisman away.

Consider the effects if Carp rather had said, wow, "Vince Young is an incredible quarterback and we are really going to be busy trying to contain him" and then tOSU contain him. Ohio State players are in the fourth quarter thinking, "this guy is tough but check this out, we're doing really well" and Texas is thinking "geez this sux, we should be kicking these guys asses."

Young knows that this game is his biggest of the year. He also knows that other Heisman hopefuls have left the 'Shoe in with careers in tatters. I don't think Carp has frightened him any more. All week long, their O line will have that statement rubbed in their faces and they will have a bit more to prove "emotionally" than they did before he said it. Is it a game decider, I don't think so. But, I don't think you must do anything to give an opponent an edge in a game.
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