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Capital One Bowl: Michigan 41, Florida 35 (final)

I cant lie, I've totally started rooting for that team by now. I just cannot stand all the SEC felatio I've been hearing from dawn til dusk the past month and beyond.

If it werent for questionable calls both official and playcalling in the Wisconsin game, the Badgers would've had that one. Arky getting ass raped by Mizzou helped a little but I really want the next 3 Big10 games. Its what I asked for for Christmas.:tongue2:
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BuckeyeMike80;1045469; said:
I don't know if you watched the Cal Air Force game, but he was pretty blatantly rooting for Cal.....especially before the Air Force QB blew out his knee....

He pretty blatantly roots for someone in every game.

The Holy Grail of horrible announce teams. Mussberger and Fouts
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