No SlingTV on Apple TV... (i'll check my 4th gen when i get home). You'd need to mirror from an ipad/iphone - part of the reason I dropped it.
for Antenna.. Mohu's aren't worth the money from my understanding. I bought 2 refurb winegards from Fry's for $20 a pop they work great. - wirecutter indoor antenna review
As for DVR - since I switch to windows 10 and lost media center I haven't even attempted because i dont have the time or the patient for the convoluted setup - or want to pay for access to tv channel guide info
question: how far away from the TV towers are you?
I checked on the Tablo website and it looks like I'm surrounded by towers...every channel shows max signal strength.
Parting with Apple TV really is no big deal...I would still keep it around for the occasional mirroring.