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C Greg Oden (All B1G, All-American, Defensive Player of the Year, Butler Assistant Coach)

kn1f3party;804631; said:
I don't know if that is as great as an idea as it may seem. For one, his tremendous performance against Florida was worthy of praise--but it isn't what Durant did day in and day out throughout the season. The reason I say this is Oden wanted to dominate the college level before moving to the professional level. He was regarded as one of the best players, but not the best by many. I see a lot of reasons why he would want to play another year for the Buckeyes.

If not for any other reason, so that when his--albeit amazing--NBA career comes to a close he won't have to campaign hemorrhoid cream for a living. I'm waiting for the day the three year rule--which I agree with completely--is instituted in basketball. It is a shame that a free education at a premier university is merely a minor league for professional athletics.
Oden said he wanted to go into the NBA and be able to be a top player. After his performance on Monday, I think he is there. I would love for him to stay, but with his talent and growth in the past 3-4 months, he is most definitely NBA caliber. I just want what is best for him, not us as fans.
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I think Greg will end up staying, him and Conley won so many titles, they can't go out losing one!

Well here's how I look at it, Greg probably would be a great NBA player, but before that, why not become one of the GREATEST in NCAA History?

I don't know...just my 2 cents...
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I cannot remember if the NCAA has passed legislation in the past couple years from prohibiting college players, like Oden, from taking out insurance policies against possible future earnings.

I would not think that would be available to a "regular" student and that is what the NCAA has been basing a lot of their legislation on recently.
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LitlBuck;805054; said:
I cannot remember if the NCAA has passed legislation in the past couple years from prohibiting college players, like Oden, from taking out insurance policies against possible future earnings.

I would not think that would be available to a "regular" student and that is what the NCAA has been basing a lot of their legislation on recently.
Matt Leinert had a hefty policy, so it would have had be pretty recently that they banned it.
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LitlBuck;805054; said:
I cannot remember if the NCAA has passed legislation in the past couple years from prohibiting college players, like Oden, from taking out insurance policies against possible future earnings.

I would not think that would be available to a "regular" student and that is what the NCAA has been basing a lot of their legislation on recently.

Why wouldn't a policy be available to anyone? If a college student is a great artist why couldn't they insure their hands against injury? There aren't too many career ending injuries anymore so I think the insurance has gone down in price.

Is Oden able to play in the NBA right now? Yes
Will he be dominant in the NBA next season? No

He has a long way to go to be a great all around player and one more year of college would help. Either way he will always be loved by the Buckeye nation.
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LitlBuck;805054; said:
I cannot remember if the NCAA has passed legislation in the past couple years from prohibiting college players, like Oden, from taking out insurance policies against possible future earnings.
One of the news links within the past few pages of this thread noted that Oden was insured for $10M. Not sure which link it was, by I know I read it within the last week leading up to the NC game.
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ytownbuckeye;805111; said:
greg needs to stay. he is dominating at times and at other times looks like a true freshman. needs to bulk up and learn to alter and block shots without picking up dumb fouls

Most of the fouls he commits are actually not of the alter/block shot attempt variety. It is more of trying to gain position, either on O or D, and stupid contact fouls in the paint before a shot, or chasing down a rebound. Once he goes up, it's usually a thing of beauty.
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What ever Greg Oden decides he wants to do next year we should support him. Undoubtedly, he has already done more for Ohio State basketball than anyone since the Lucas/Havlicek era. Greg Oden is a gentleman, scholar, and athlete (maybe in that order). He has always conducted himself with "class". In fact you look up "class" in the dictionary and you even see a picture of Greg:

class (kl
s) n.

1. A set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common; a kind or category.

2. A division based on quality, rank, or grade, as:
a. A grade of mail: a package sent third class.
b. A quality of accommodation on public transport: tourist class.

a. A social stratum whose members share certain economic, social, or cultural characteristics: the lower-income classes.
b. Social rank or caste, especially high rank.
c. Informal Elegance of style, taste, and manner: Greg Oden always conducts himself "with class" on and off the basketball court..

4. A level of academic development, as in an elementary or secondary school.

a. A group of students who are taught together because they have roughly the same level of academic development.
b. A group of students or alumni who have the same year of graduation.
c. A group of students who meet at a regularly scheduled time to study the same subject.
d. The period during which such a group meets: had to stay after class.

6. Biology A taxonomic category ranking below a phylum or division and above an order. See Table at taxonomy.

7. Statistics An interval in a frequency distribution.

8. Linguistics A group of words belonging to the same grammatical category that share a particular set of morphological properties, such as a set of inflections.

tr.v. classed, class?ing, class?es To arrange, group, or rate according to qualities or characteristics; assign to a class; classify.
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When it comes to turning pro for Greg I honestly don't think the money is the issue for him. I'd guarantee that his mother gets a huge chunk of that money right off the top and he takes care of his little brother for life. The things that Greg enjoys the most don't really have much to do with material value. He'll be able to buy any of the movies he wants and a nice huge flatscreen to watch them on, but if he goes pro he won't have his buddies there with him. He'll make new friends no doubt but can they replace Mike Conley or Daequan Cook? Definitely no one will replace the friend he lost too early this season, and never his brother, whom will be with him whichever he chooses.

The other thing is this: No matter how much money he gets, which will be alot, he can never have back his 19th and 20th birthdays. Think of that. If any of us could buy back our 19th-21st birthdays would'nt we do it? Hell yes! The money will still be there next year. If he gets injured the insurance money kicks in and he's still rich. What Greg values most is what makes this decision for him. By all accounts the immediate family, the Conleys, his friends, and his coaches all say to follow his heart. Although I think Greg has a heart of a champion, I don't think he has the heart of an NBA player right now. College is fun. The NBA is fun but its also work and a different kind of responsibility.

Greg just seems like the perfect college player to me. Is he good enough to go to the NBA? Sure. The college game just seems to suit him a little more at the moment. He gets media attention but he's not mobbed and harassed like some of the NBA players get, but he will. It just doesn't seem to me that thats his personality. I think in the end the "kid" in Greg wins out and he plays one more year with Mike Conley and friends vs. Shaq and the NBA. Heres to hoping I'm right! :cheers:
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Bestbuck36;805553; said:
Mike Conley and friends vs. Shaq and the NBA. Heres to hoping I'm right! :cheers:

I hope you're right too! Interestingly enough, pretty much every NBA center that's commented on the issue (ironically Shaq included) are saying he should stay!

Except Bill Walton. Who's a stoner idiot.
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