- Texas
- Penn St.
- Alabama
- Oklahoma
- Florida
- Oklahoma St.
- Texas Tech
- Georgia
- Ohio St.
- Utah
- Boise St.
- South Florida
- Missouri
- North Carolina
- Kansas
- Northwestern
- Ball St.
- Georgia Tech
- Florida St.
- Minnesota
- Boston Coll.
- Tulsa
I didn't do my poll last week so no previous week rankings. I divided my poll into tiers then ranked those teams according to how I think they are playing.
1st tier - Texas (Undefeated, best big win)
2nd tier - PSU and Alabama (PSU gets the nod because I'm a Big10 homer)
3rd tier - Oklahoma (Best 1-loss team)
4th tier - Florida, Oklahoma St., USC, Texas Tech, Georgia, Ohio State (tOSU has a chance to jump to the top of this tier with a win over PSU but I'll be hesitant to put them ahead of USC)
5th tier - LSU, Utah, Boise St., South Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Kansas (LSU class of this tier soley because of their defense)
6th tier - Northwestern, Ball St., Georgia Tech, Florida St., Minnesota, Boston College, TCU, Tulsa (3 too many ACC teams but this was the hardest tier to find teams, don't know enough about some of the non BCS schools to rank them high, especially after BYU's collapse)