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BP Fantasy Baseball (2008-2023, Current Champion = MD Buckeye)

This SSl issue with Yahoo is still going on. Just started tonight.

If I can't get to the site, I can't get to the site

I'll keep trying for a while but yahoo seems to be quite the fucking mess lately
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This SSl issue with Yahoo is still going on. Just started tonight.

If I can't get to the site, I can't get to the site

I'll keep trying for a while but yahoo seems to be quite the fucking mess lately

I'm hesitant to say this out loud but my issues have ceased lately. Do you need me to put a starting pitcher in your line up, or something?
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Maeda, Darvish, Ohtani (Tora, Tora and Tora) have me about here....

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Absolutely fleeced by @MD Buckeye last week. The Bunchgrassers have been soundly humbled. Pitchers got shellacked on the mound including practically every streaming option. 95 IP & only two W's? :worry:
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If anyone just wants to have a boring, break even or something close to that kind of week, come find me. My last 3 weeks have been 5-8-1, 6-7-1, 8-6 for a nice 19-21-2.

If anyone is wondering, those losses are probably all pitching losses :slappy:.

@buckeyemania11, you’re up.
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Absolutely fleeced by @MD Buckeye last week. The Bunchgrassers have been soundly humbled. Pitchers got shellacked on the mound including practically every streaming option. 95 IP & only two W's? :worry:

My bats woke up. I fully expect them to come crashing back to earth this week.
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