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BP Fantasy Baseball (2008-2023, Current Champion = MD Buckeye)

Mets and Braves got cancelled. Probably won’t get that IP limit and it probably won’t even matter :slappy:.

You are 2/3 an inning short! And you are right, it wouldn’t have mattered this week. As it turns out, 45+ innings of shit pitching would have worked out just as well as my 80+ innings of good pitching this week. Probably will be the best performance of the year too. :lol:

Of course my slap happy bunch of bitches couldn’t muster much offense so it would have been an overall draw except my Nancys outskirted you in runs. :slappy:
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You are 2/3 an inning short! And you are right, it wouldn’t have mattered this week. As it turns out, 45+ innings of shit pitching would have worked out just as well as my 80+ innings of good pitching this week. Probably will be the best performance of the year too. :lol:

Of course my slap happy bunch of bitches couldn’t muster much offense so it would have been an overall draw except my Nancys outskirted you in runs. :slappy:

I am going to give these guys a good ole Jim Leyland talking to for losing runs scored. If I get one IP from Fields and it is a hold (or save, or win,) then at least it goes from 8-6 to 7-6-1.
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I am going to give these guys a good ole Jim Leyland talking to for losing runs scored. If I get one IP from Fields and it is a hold (or save, or win,) then at least it goes from 8-6 to 7-6-1.

Forgot to check your team for the Sunday night game before posting. And now Fields is in line for the win and got you over the 45 innings threshold which would tie me in wins. Two quality starts for the week with potentially five wins, with your favorite punching bag Colome picking up two wins. :smash:
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