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Boston Celtics (18x NBA champions)


Darius Miles, out last 2 years, signed by Boston

August 22, 2008

BOSTON?The Celtics have signed forward Darius Miles, who missed the last two NBA seasons due to microfracture surgery on his right knee.

The 6-foot-9, 235-pound Miles was selected in 2000 with the third overall pick in the NBA draft by the Los Angeles Clippers. The last time he played was with Portland in the 2005-2006 season.
Portland waived Miles in April after a doctor appointed by the league and the players association determined the damage to his knee was severe enough to qualify as a career-ending injury.
Celtics general manager Danny Ainge said in a statement Friday that the team worked out Miles twice and was impressed with his health and attitude.

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Celtics sign first-round pick Giddens

Updated: Aug 27, 2008 04:46 AM EDT

BOSTON (AP) -- The Boston Celtics signed their first-round draft pick J.R. Giddens on Tuesday.
The 6-foot-5 point guard, the 30th pick in the draft, averaged 16.3 points and 8.8 rebounds for New Mexico during his senior season.
The 23-year-old Giddens brings a reputation as a strong defender to the defending NBA champion Celtics.
Giddens said he has matured in the last few years. He pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor battery charge after being stabbed at a bar fight in May 2005 while playing for Kansas. He transferred to New Mexico, where he was suspended twice in his first season.

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Miles in Boston raises eyebrows, and your pressing questions

It has been a mostly quiet offseason for the Celtics. Other than the loss of reserve forward James Posey to free agency (Hornets), the defending champs have pretty much stood pat. But Boston did make one move recently that has the rest of the NBA taking notice.
The signing of Darius Miles, who was waived last year by the Blazers, is interesting on two fronts. First, the 6-9 forward could help the Celtics if he can come back from the knee injury that derailed his once-promising career. Say what you want about Miles' lack of on-ball defense and episodes of immaturity, but the former No. 3 overall pick was at one time a blossoming talent who averaged double figures for three straight seasons and once scored 47 points in a game. Meanwhile, the loss of Posey had Boston looking for help at the small forward position off the bench.
Granted, it's still a longshot that Miles will become a significant factor. But from the Celtics' standpoint, it's a low-risk, high-reward proposition. They are only paying Miles the minimum salary. If it doesn't work out, Boston can always cut him free.

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For all intents and purposes, this season is something of an afterthought for the Celtics. Of course they would like to repeat and will no doubt make every effort in that vein, but what they sought they worked for last year and got. The question is whether or not this team will have the same measure of motivation going into this season (and through this season) that they did last year.
After all, this isn't a team that has bonded over years of attempts and failures. We're not talking about the 90's Bulls, who had several attempts and failures to reach the Finals, and we're not talking about the 2000 Lakers, who similarly had trouble reaching the top of the mountain. Those teams came together in the hard times and coalesced, established a team chemistry that carried them not only to their first title but to several thereafter. Alternatively, the Celtics were somewhat hastily assembled last summer with a series of shrewd and savvy moves by GM Danny Ainge. As much as they relied on their prodigious collective talent to win the 2008 Championship, they were also pushed along by the wave of expectations and pressures applied by all circles. They were fed by the media machine that insisted that they were destined for the title. They were spurred on by their own collective will to (finally) win a Championship.

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Courtside View: Giddens has new attitude

Long after many had almost given up taking chances on him, J.R. Giddens is still willing to take chances on himself.
The latest example occurred last month when the then-unsigned Celtics top draft pick spent his days working out in New Mexico and Dallas instead of the team's Waltham training facility. Though contracts are fairly standard for NBA first-rounders, Giddens was without a deal while most of his fellow draftees had their pacts wrapped up in a matter of days.
The unusual delay raised questions about whether the C's really wanted to invest three guaranteed years in the surprise pick. Just when things seemed to have turned around for the 2003 McDonald's All-American, familiar doubts about his future simmered once again.
So what did the New Mexico University alumnus do? He went out and got a bright green shamrock tattoo behind his left ear.
"People were saying that to me," he acknowledged of the risk involved. "But I knew in my heart it was right. I felt everything happens for a reason. This was destiny and I am a Celtic now."

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Rivers agrees to extension with Celts

Doc Rivers will see some more green for leading the Green to the championship.

The coach of the Boston Celtics has agreed to a contract extension, the team announced Wednesday. Though the Celtics didn't disclose terms, Yahoo sports is reporting that Rivers agreed to a two-year extension that runs through the 2010-11 season.
"We are pleased to be able to extend Doc's contract," Celtics general manager Danny Ainge said in a statement. "Doc molded a championship team last season through his leadership and we are confident that he is the man to lead this franchise on the court now and in the future."

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Celtics to be saluted at White House

By Frank Dell'Apa

Globe Staff / September 19, 2008

The Celtics have been working on arranging a visit to the White House since shortly after winning the NBA championship in June.

Three months later, the trip has been finalized and the team will meet President George W. Bush this afternoon.
The Celtics' contingent will number about 50, including co-owners Bob Epstein, Irving and Wyc Grousbeck, and Steve Pagliuca, plus general manager Danny Ainge and coach Doc Rivers.

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Miles seen as going long way toward repeat

By Frank Dell'Apa
Globe Staff / September 21, 2008

The NBA last week confirmed a 10-game suspension for forward Darius Miles, who is with the Celtics on a nonguaranteed contract.

Once Miles returns (he will be eligible for a Nov. 15 visit to Milwaukee), his new teammates will be counting on him to produce the type of offensive spark James Posey provided last season.
"I'm excited about Darius Miles," forward Ray Allen said. "He hasn't played in a while, and he's excited to be here and help this team.
"When people see him play, he'll be a fan favorite. People say he hasn't played in a couple years, but at the same time he has a lot of basketball left in him. He's only 26 years old, and to be able to have him at this stage of his career is going to be great for us."
Miles has missed two years with a microfracture in his right knee; the suspension is for violating the terms of the NBA's antidrug program.
Captain Paul Pierce's evaluation of the Celtics' offseason additions, including draft choices J.R. Giddens and Bill Walker: "We lost Posey [to New Orleans], and he was definitely a key to what we were doing last year.

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Hole bunch of gaps for Boston Celtics to fill up

By Mark Murphy
Monday, September 29, 2008 - Updated 7h ago

The deadilest threesome in the NBA notwithstanding, the Celtics [team stats] will open training camp at Salve Regina University in Newport, R.I., this week with a number of troubling holes in the hull of their championship ship.

Kendrick Perkins [stats], recovering from the third shoulder surgery of his young career, is not ready for full contact, though Danny Ainge indicated yesterday the Celtics center should be ready once the exhibition games start.
?Perk will do everything in camp except live contact for the first week,? the team?s director of basketball operations said. ?Then we will progressively add things on as the second week goes on, to the point where we?re hopeful that by the third week we?re hopeful he?ll do everything, including playing in exhibition games.?

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It's all new, fresh for Celtics

Focus is repeat, not last season

WALTHAM - A year ago, the Celtics were on a transoceanic flight for preseason training. They did not know they would be parading through Boston in duck boats nine months later.

The Celtics are staying closer to home this time, opening camp today in Newport, R.I. But coach Doc Rivers and the players are planning to be back on the amphibious vehicles again next year.
"We were anointed all last year, but this time we earned that right," Rivers said yesterday. "We were on all the magazine covers without having done anything, and that actually bothered me a lot. This year, we can say we've done something, and we want to do it again. It's pressure but it's good pressure, the kind of pressure you want."
Last season, the Celtics were considered the NBA's team to beat, but questions were raised concerning the compatibility of Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett, and Paul Pierce. Now, the Celtics are again the team to beat - they begin their title defense vs. Cleveland Oct. 28 - and there is no concern about complementing, comprehending, or conviviality.

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Celtics hungry for an 18th title

Rivers preaches focus as training camp opens in Newport

[email protected]

WALTHAM? Celtics captain Paul Pierce was congratulated for winning the NBA championship wherever he went over the summer, even when he traveled to Spain. In restaurants, he couldn?t pick up a check. But he insists he?s still hungry ? for another title.

In search of their first NBA championship last season, Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen remained motivated for each practice, shoot-around and game. They didn?t let up all season. But even after finally winning it all last June, the Big Three and the rest of the Celtics insist they?ll have no trouble remaining just as motivated this season.

?Once you get a taste of it, you don?t want to let it go,? Pierce said. ?You saw the reaction of the fans, from your peers around the league. All summer, you saw how they reacted to you and it?s a feeling that you don?t want to go away.?
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