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Boston Celtics (17x NBA champions)


Celtics' Paul Pierce finds 'The Truth'

Let every kid who picks up a Little League bat, dons Pop Warner shoulder pads or runs down a rec center basketball court take a minute this summer to consider Paul Pierce's career. In fact, there's a lesson here to be learned by anyone who will ever be part of any team over the next two generations.
When the Boston Celtics celebrated their championship victory on June 17 with unabashed boyish exuberance, it was hard to miss the mixture of disbelief and relief stamped onto Pierce's face. It was the first time most of the Celtics had ever experienced this level of success, but more than anyone else the team's captain personified the long, cold road back to glory for this franchise.
To finally achieve his goal, Pierce had to overcome the National Basketball Association's Future (Lebron James), Present (Kobe Bryant) and Past (the ghosts of Celtic greats from Cousy to Russell to Havliceck to Bird). And those might have been the easier obstacles.
Think about what Pierce had to do to win that ring. For a decade, the Celtics were His Team ? for better or worse. He was the marquee player for an organization going nowhere. Finally, last year the Celtics lost more than twice as many games as they won, including a franchise-record 18 losses in a row. Pierce missed seven weeks with a foot injury. The team posted the second-worst record in the league and got rooked out of the coveted top two draft picks in the lottery. For Pierce, the only lower point of his time in Boston might have been the night in 2000 when he was stabbed 11 times in a nightclub brawl.

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Giddens feels ?blessed?

Ex-Jayhawk thrilled to be drafted by Celts

Jake Schoellkopf/AP Photo. Enlarge photo.
New Mexico?s J.R. Giddens flexes for the crowd near the end of the second half of a college basketball game against Kansas State in this Nov. 21, 2006, file photo.

By Gary Bedore
June 30, 2008

J.R. Giddens made a visit to a local sporting goods store after beginning the 2003-04 school year, his freshman year at Kansas University.
?The first thing I bought with my scholarship check was a Paul Pierce Boston Celtics jersey and green headband,? said Giddens, a 6-foot-5, 205-pound forward who Thursday was tapped by the Celtics with the last pick of the first round.

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Posey is Celtics' priority

By Marc J. Spears, The Boston Globe
Article Last Updated: 07/01/2008 11:05:22 AM EDT

Tuesday, July 01
For the NBA champion Celtics, free agency begins today with James Posey as the primary focus. All other personnel matters will be handled after Posey's situation is settled.

The Celtics have a number of other free agents, including forward-center P.J. Brown, guards Eddie House, Sam Cassell, and Tony Allen, and center Scot Pollard. Boston could have interest in outside free agents such as Dallas guard Tyronn Lue and New Orleans center Chris Andersen. But according to general manager Danny Ainge, the Celtics' immediate focus is on re-signing Posey. While negotiations can begin today, free agents can't officially sign until July 8.
"Posey will be a guy we'll be talking to right away," Ainge said yesterday. "He's a top priority for us. Once we start there, we'll move toward other free agents and go from there." As expected, Posey's agent, Mark Bartelstein, said his client officially became a free agent yesterday after not exercising the second year of his contract with Boston. He was due to make $3.2 million. The 6-foot-8-inch, 217-pounder averaged 7.4 points and 4.4 rebounds in 24.6 minutes per game last season. The Sixth Man candidate also made key plays and shots during the season and playoffs and is considered a team leader.

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Celtics picks set for first camp

The Associated Press
Article Launched: 07/02/2008 07:28:19 AM EDT

WALTHAM -- The last three players to pose for pictures at a news conference while holding Celtics jerseys in front of them were Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce.
Eleven months after Boston announced the trade for Garnett, the Celtics won the NBA championship.
On Tuesday, three other players assumed the pose -- draft picks J.R. Giddens, Bill Walker and Semih Erden.
Good luck trying to get playing time, guys.
It's not that three newcomers, introduced at a news conference the day before the team's rookie-free agent camp, lack talent. But cracking the rotation on the NBA's best team will be difficult. It would become tougher if the Celtics strengthen their roster with free agents.

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Celtics extend offer to Maggette

Clipper surprised at interest; Posey remains a wanted man

By Marc J. Spears
Globe Staff / July 2, 2008
WALTHAM - At 12:01 a.m. yesterday, Celtics general manager Danny Ainge made an expected call to one of his free agents, swingman James Posey. Not long after, Ainge also placed calls to several other free agents throughout the league, including Clippers forward Corey Maggette.

On the first day of free agency in the NBA, the world champion Celtics, according to an NBA source, made contract offers to both Posey and Maggette. Since Boston, at most, has a mid-level exception available (expected to be about $5.8 million), it would seem doubtful they could land both players. Boston is also scheduled have New Orleans center Chris Andersen in for a visit today.
"I called [Posey] and just talked to him and told him how much we wanted him back," Ainge said. "I told his agent and we had a conversation. So we're still having conversations. After James, yeah, I called a lot of guys just to say that we had interest. But I can't discuss names."
Maggette, however, confirmed yesterday he was one of those names.
"I was very surprised they called. They just came off a championship," said Maggette in a phone interview.

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Celts big men

on the mend
The Lowell Sun
Article Last Updated: 07/03/2008 06:41:15 AM EDT

Boston Celtics center Kendrick Perkins underwent surgery on his left shoulder yesterday to repair an injury that nagged him during the NBA finals and forced him to miss Game 5.
The Celtics said Perkins, 23, had arthroscopic surgery at New England Baptist Hospital, as did rookie forward Bill Walker, who had damage to his right knee repaired. The NBA champions said both procedures, led by team physician Dr. Brian McKeon, were successful. No timetable has been set for Perkins' and Walker's off-season returns to the Celtics, but Perkins' agent, Bob Myers, said that Perkins will spend the next couple months rehabilitating, and "just wants to get ready for training camp at this point."
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Celtics notebook
This year, Davis not one of the babies in camp

Glen Davis feels a comfort level at minicamp after spending a full season, and winning a championship, with the Celtics. (Matthew J. Lee/Globe Staff)

By Monique Walker

Globe Staff / July 3, 2008

WALTHAM - Glen Davis didn't feel this comfortable at this time last year. Yesterday, he sat down and stretched out his legs as he answered questions after the first day of the Celtics' rookie/free agent minicamp.

Davis and guard Gabe Pruitt were the "veterans," the only Celtics from this past season's team taking part. None of the assembled players had more than two years of NBA experience, and all were hoping to make a lasting impression.
Only one year removed from his introduction to the Celtics, Davis said he remembers the feelings of uncertainty in his first year out of Louisiana State.
"I just remember not knowing what's going on here," said Davis. "The biggest thing was being clueless about what's going on and not getting a feel. Just wet behind the ears."

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Morning Report: Posey and Maggette?

By: Steve Kyler Last Updated: 7/4/08 7:56 AM ET

Maggette and Posey: As the holiday weekend opens, there are some decisions to be made. Corey Maggette has told people that he has narrowed his list down to two main suitors ? The San Antonio and the Boston Celtics. Maggette has not made a final decision and will not likely announce a decision until after July 9th, when teams can officially start spending cap money. Maggette may be a fall back option for the Warriors and the 76ers, although both seem unlikely, but Corey's camp is not going to commit to a Mid Level Exception deal until all the cap space dries up. There is also a remote chance that the Clippers could broker a sign and trade deal with Corey so he is holding the line. If push comes to shove and Mid Level is all Corey can get, the Spurs are indeed the front. The Boston Celtics may have tipped their hand too early with James Posey, when news of contact with Corey Maggette surfaced, Posey's camp got on the offensive opening talks with a number of interested teams including the Lakers. Sources close to the situation say if Boston does not come with a full (5-year) deal at the Mid Level, James has that from other teams. Posey wants to win, and loves his Boston teammates, but at this point in his career he's won two championships and it's more about money. Posey is not going to a lottery team, but with Cleveland, Houston and Lakers all standing with open arms, Boston has a tough decision to make, is there really room on the roster and on the salary cap for both Maggette and Posey?
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Rivers gives Maggette call

A thing of the past? Potential Celtic Corey Maggette went all out against Ray Allen (left) and James Posey last season. If Maggette joins Boston, there probably won't be room to keep Posey. (File/Matthew J. Lee/Globe Staff)

A day after talking with Celtics coach Doc Rivers, a longtime family friend, Clippers free agent forward Corey Maggette said he is seriously considering an offer to join the NBA champions.
Maggette said he is still in awe about being contacted by the Celtics and has been mulling over their contract offer as well as interest from several other teams.
An NBA source said the Celtics offered Magette the full midlevel exception, expected to be worth $5.8 million.
The Celtics have made offers to their own forward, James Posey, and Maggette, but it's doubtful they can accommodate both. While there is no news regarding Posey, Maggette said he could be coming to Boston in the near future to visit with the Celtics. Free agents can't sign until Wednesday.
"I don't want to hold the Celtics up or [general manager] Danny Ainge," said Maggette in a telephone interview. "I talked to Doc . . . I'm not going to hold them up. I know they are still looking at James Posey. But I'm still weighing my options."
Maggette averaged a team-best 22.1 points as well as 5.6 rebounds for the Clippers last season. The 6-foot-6-inch, 228-pounder played for Rivers in Orlando during the 1999-2000 season.
Maggette said Rivers, his fellow Chicago native, called Wednesday.
"We shot the breeze," said Maggette. "He asked about my family. My mom went to the same high school [as Rivers]. My family has known his family for a long time. I'm very comfortable with him."
Even with Maggette's scoring ability, he would be expected to come off the bench with Boston behind All-Star wing players Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. Maggette said he would have no problems with a reserve role.
"I don't mind," he said. "If you want to win, you have to make sacrifices. With their caliber of players, that's what you have to do.
"Going to a championship team would be exciting to me. Going to a team that can win and has tradition is exciting."
The Clippers aren't expected to re-sign Maggette after they landed free agent guard Baron Davis Tuesday with a five-year, $65 million contract. But if Golden State gets Clippers free agent forward Elton Brand, the Clippers could have a change of heart regarding Maggette. Clippers owner Donald Sterling is a big fan of Maggette. Other teams interested in Maggette include the Spurs, 76ers, Warriors, Hornets, Magic, Jazz, and Cavaliers.
As for the Clippers' situation, Maggette said, "I'll know soon. If not, that's the nature of the business and I'll move on. If not, I'll definitely want to call to thank [Clippers] coach Mike Dunleavy and [GM] Elgin Baylor and let them know I appreciated my eight years there."

Entire article: Celtics coach Rivers calls Maggette - The Boston Globe
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TRON;1199066; said:
Corey Maggette would be the best Boston could do this summer but I doubt he ends up in Green as someone will offer him a lot more money.

Boston will pay what the league will allow, and they are going to be a dynasty for the next 3+ years, I wouldn't be surprised to see him go there. After seeing Boson destroy LA, I am willing to say they have at least 1, if not more, championships in the next few years. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if they won the next 3, a ring means a lot to players who haven't had that opportunity.
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Darius did what?

One sentence from a story in a Boston newspaper has added another layer of intrigue to the drama of the Darius Miles-Trail Blazers saga.
Even though an independent doctor has deemed Miles' right knee injury career ending and even though he recently violated the NBA's Anti-Drug program, the former Blazers forward is actively looking for work -- and, evidently, he's making some headway.


According to the Boston Globe, Miles recently worked out for the World Champion Boston Celtics and had an "impressive" showing. From the story:
"An NBA source said the Celtics surprisingly worked out Blazers free agent small forward Darius Miles yesterday and he had an impressive workout. Miles missed last season while recovering from knee surgery."
This has well-chronicled implications on the Blazers: if Miles returns to the NBA and plays in 10 games in a season, during either of the next two seasons, his salary will count against the Blazers' salary cap. The team is responsible for paying the remaining $27.25 million of his Blazers' contract, but it does not count against the team's cap because his knee injury was labeled career ending.
To be sure, one workout does not lock a comeback. No player has ever returned to the NBA after suffering a career-ending injury and the 10-game suspension Miles faces for violating the league's Anti-Drug program could be a deterrent for prospective teams.

Entire article: Darius did what? - Behind The Blazers Beat - The Oregonian - OregonLive.com
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