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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)


Staff member
When I first moved to Tallahassee in 2003 they were whispers in the hallway. Then it became murmuring in the office...

As of today, they are shouting from the rooftops

Before today, the #1 sports talk guy in Tallahassee mentioned only very seldom that "there are those in the "Big Bend Area" that think that Bobby should retire". It would be a side remark that would be skated over like a superstitious man whistling past a graveyard.

Today, he devoted his entire show to His Opinion that Bobby Bowden should retire. He owned it. He stated the case in plain English (odd for an FSU fan).

The first call he took, the guy on the other end claimed to be a big fan and a long time listener that was "heretofore unaware that your middle name was Satan"... The guy thought the subject itself was blasphemy.

Every other call was either agreement that Bobby should retire, or a call for his flat-out firing.

Radio talk show guy felt it was ok to talk about this previously tabboo subject because the Orlando Sentinel had a piece today that uttered the same, previously verboten, opinion.

Radio guy is running a poll on his station's web-site to see if people agree with him that Bowden should step down.

The reason I mention this is because it is a very big deal here that the media is so openly approaching this subject. When I first got here the media didn't talk about it. Then they talked about talking about it. Then they mentioned that "some people think so...". Now it is coming just short of calling for his firing (except for some of the calls he's taking, which do go that far).

Another reason I bring this up is that I think it would be funny if the poll didn't go as they expect. As I type this, after 465 votes, the poll is about 50/50. The poll will be up until tomorrow afternoon when he will reveal the results.

Now, I would never suggest that BP members go vote on the poll en masse to skew the results. It would be mean and unfair, albeit funny, if such a thing were to happen. In fact, I even considered urging you not to go vote on that poll. But then I realized that BP members would never go vote on that poll just to skew the results. We just aren't like that. Really. We're not. I swear.

I remember the days when it was a total shocker that FSU lost. I remember watching them many times on Saturday nights and rooting hard for the other team to pull an upset. The last time I watched and that failed to happen was against UVA back in '03. Nowadays losses are so common that it doesn't even register with me. I've said before that while Paterno and Bowden made their respective programs and earned the right to leave when they're good and ready, I don't get why they'd want to stay and destroy what they built. I'd say Bowden is more guilty because I think most view JoePa as more of a figurehead nowadays whereas Bowden is still very much in complete control. Either way, I enjoy watching both programs struggle...particularly the noles.
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So, if we were to skew a poll, not that we would, but if someone was to do said skewing which side of said poll would skew it towards despite the fact that we are obviously not going to do so. I am just curious that is all because i'd obviously never do it but i want to be sure the skewing that IS NOT giong to happen was coordinated and not self defeating by people skewing it in multiple direction....:pirate1:
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methomps;970254; said:
I just accidently voted for Pat Buchanan :grr:

well... this IS florida...

BuckeyeSoldier;970229; said:
So, if we were to skew a poll, not that we would, but if someone was to do said skewing which side of said poll would skew it towards despite the fact that we are obviously not going to do so. I am just curious that is all because i'd obviously never do it but i want to be sure the skewing that IS NOT giong to happen was coordinated and not self defeating by people skewing it in multiple direction....:pirate1:

It's as if that were left ambiguous intentionally.


FCollinsBuckeye;970274; said:
sandgk;970275; said:
It's missing.
The two of you are getting very close to what they're calling BBowden down here.
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