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wadc45 said:
The could be a dream come true...an unprovoked, all-out assault on BN by the NASCAR hordes...
The theory is amazing, but don't forget there are only a very few of the NASCAR rednecks even posting on the NASCAR board. If you figure half of them might flame on bucknuts, that means it will be about 6 people--not so great of an attack. :wink2:
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Alright, before all of you go and get yourselves banned on all scout boards, realize we need to make a concerted effort to blast a hopping message board. Maybe one like a Duke or NC board (I have no idea, some one let me know what's one of the busiest)...

Then we all go and flame away in one concerted effort tomorrow starting at like 10 AM...

That way when all of those board members return the favor on BN, its a more sizeable number
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It took them long enough to ban me, I got in like 10-20 post I think. All of them made some reference to bucknuts or trev.
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And I'd only dreamed it could happen to me... :)

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