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Posts: 1
(3/16/05 2:28:10 pm)
Reply | Edit New Post Trev Alberts promotes gay presence in film gauntlet.ucalgary.ca/story/2701

Don't confuse Fairy Tales 3 with Snow White.

Now in its third year, Calgary's queer film and video festival is presenting works of relevance to the homosexual community, among others.

"There is a hunger in the community to see an accurate portrayal of queer characters in films," says festival chair Trev Alberts. "We're interested in putting something different into that void in Canada and Calgary. Queers want to see themselves and others represented on the screen in accurate ways."

Local and international interest in the festival has increased in the last two years. Artists from Canada, the US, Switzerland and Australia will be showing their works this year.

"The festival grew from word-of-mouth from the first year. We estimate that 1,000 people attended last year," says Alberts, adding that this year they are expecting between 1,500 and 2,000. The youth audience is also growing.
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My "True Story about Trev Alberts Horse" thread din't last long, so I'll reprint it here:

A worried Trev Alberts went to his psychiatrist.

"I'm in love with my horse," he said.

"But that's nothing," replied the shrink. "A lot of people love animals.

For instance, my wife and I have a dog that we love very much."

"Ah, but doctor," Trev replied. "It's a sexual attraction that I

feel toward my horse."

"Ahhh!" exclaimed the doc. "What kind of a horse is it? Male or female?"

"Female, of course," said Trev, "What do you think I am, a faggot!"

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Gosh I love this guy trying to compensate for something...



Earnhardt Fan
Posts: 4614
Posted: 3/16/05 1:49:51 pm
Re: I guess spring break started this week <hr size="1"> <!--EZCODE FONT START-->I had my way, some of these guys would be getting a ban from all Scout Boards. Send a message back to the Buckeye board. I don't care if the person does have over 5000 total posts. <!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><!--EZCODE CENTER START-->
<!--EZCODE FONT START-->Nobody asks to be a hero, it just sometimes turns out that way.
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