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Bijan and Wypler
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“Oh man, the visit went amazing,” Robinson told Eleven Warriors. “I love it here – just the mindsets of being great here are amazing.”
“This was far past the expectations that I had," he told BuckeyeGrove.com. "I knew it was going to be all glamorous and everything, but the vibe I had with them was great, and this made a great impact on me and the decision.”
Robinson has two official visits scheduled after this one – one to USC and one to Texas. Both of those programs are being considered just as strongly as Ohio State.
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I dont want to be a victim of jumping on the bandwagon of the last RB to visit. But man do I like his film a little better than Milton's and see him fitting in this offense a little better. I'd LOVE either, but man is this kid electric and reminds me a little of Zeke.
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This kid is a stud! I personally think he's the best back in the country. Very smooth and his burst is incredible.
Hope so! My favorite RB in this year’s class
I dont want to be a victim of jumping on the bandwagon of the last RB to visit. But man do I like his film a little better than Milton's and see him fitting in this offense a little better. I'd LOVE either, but man is this kid electric and reminds me a little of Zeke.

I have always felt that way, as well...I really really like Milton. I LOVE Bijan! I’d be ecstatic with either, though.
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This kid is a stud! I personally think he's the best back in the country. Very smooth and his burst is incredible.
I dont want to be a victim of jumping on the bandwagon of the last RB to visit. But man do I like his film a little better than Milton's and see him fitting in this offense a little better. I'd LOVE either, but man is this kid electric and reminds me a little of Zeke.
The April 4, 2019 version of the Bucknuts Morning 5, featuring an interview with Steve Wiltfong. A must-listen interview: LINK

Bijan Robinson - "huge personality fit at Ohio State." ULCA and Ohio State lead.
I'm not sure where UCLA stands ten weeks down the road, but Bijan's visit to Ohio State went very well and certainly helped the Buckeyes' cause.
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I dont want to be a victim of jumping on the bandwagon of the last RB to visit. But man do I like his film a little better than Milton's and see him fitting in this offense a little better. I'd LOVE either, but man is this kid electric and reminds me a little of Zeke.
His speed would be huge in our system and I agree BR is probably a better over all fit than Milton.

I like the Zeke comparison as far as physically for Bijan. For Milton he's a little more like Hyde physically.
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I know “package deals” rarely actually happen. But if Ohio State lands Robinson, should we expect that to significantly help in landing Ransom? To me, it seems like an Ohio State/Texas battle for both. Maybe I’m wrong.
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How would you like to be the last man standing on defense and this guy has a a little room to make a move on you? LOL

I do not see super break away top end speed, but he is definitely fast. What I do see is the ability to stick his foot in the ground and literally go backwards instead of just sideways. His laterally ability is off the charts. Would love love love to see this guy making ichigan men miss.
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