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College football
Ohio State game not on Time Warner? That's a Big 10-4

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 3:46 AM
By Bob Baptist


No news is bad news for Time Warner subscribers. The negotiating impasse between the cable provider and the Big Ten Network continues, four days before the network will carry its fourth and final -- and most significant -- Ohio State football game of the season.
The undefeated and No. 1-ranked Buckeyes play host to Wisconsin at noon Saturday in Ohio Stadium. The Big Ten Network, with the contractual right to carry at least one of Ohio State's conference games this season, chose Wisconsin after ABC opted for Michigan vs. Michigan State.

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BTN Sports Bars?

I have to go do some work but can someone tell me where to find a list of BTN bars?

OZone published one once, I thought, or was it here?? I remember a city by city list of "where to watch the game".

Specifically I would be looking for the Toledo area.... any ideas??

I will probably go to Ralphie's or Frickers and take my chances....

Go Bucks! Just Win, Baby!
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ScriptOhio;977177; said:
Tonight on the BTN at 8:00 PM they are replaying the 2003 Ohio State at Wisconsin game. Ohio State loses 17-10, it was not a very good outcome. :biggrin:

Well, they kept playing our 2001 loss at Crappy Valley last week before our game with PSU, so maybe we should hope they keep playing past losses up through The Game...
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Big Ten Network pulls plug on negotiations with Time Warner

Time Warner claims their talks are ongoing; OSU game to be unseen by many

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- To the argument that the Big Ten Network is a niche channel featuring second-tier football games and minor sports, the Big Ten presents Exhibit A: the No. 1 team in the country.
Top-ranked Ohio State hosts Wisconsin at noon Saturday in a game unavailable to about two-thirds of the homes in Ohio. Time Warner Cable, with about 1 million customers in its Northeast Ohio branch, remains locked in a struggle with the Big Ten Network. Comcast and Charter, the other two largest cable providers in the Midwest, also do not have deals with the Big Ten Network.

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Politics sneaking into cable coverage of Big Ten Wis. legislators push for arbitration in disputes with sports networks; OSU game still hard to find
By George M. Thomas Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Thursday, Nov 01, 2007
Normally this space is reserved to talk exclusively about what's happening with Big Ten Conference football teams.
This week, it would seem that the imbroglio involving the Big Ten Network, assorted cable companies and the Ohio State-Wisconsin game qualifies. Football is in there, after all.
And now, so is politics.

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BuckeyeSoldier;975272; said:
So living right off campus, what would everyone recommend i switch to seeing as ive given up on twc. preferably cable, not sure if my lease allows a dish.

Well they technically can't forbid you from having a dish in your exclusive living area, but cable is probably a lot easier since you don't need to face a certain direction :)

I had WOW in Columbus and never had any problems, was pretty cheap with their internet bundle
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I was flipping through the channels tonight (on TWC) and I found that Kentucky's basketball scrimmage vs. Pikeville College was being shown live on Fox Sports OHIO. Yup, that's right. I can watch Kentucky basketball scrimmages, but not #1 Ohio State football.
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Bars welcome Buckeye fans; some families upset

Cable, BTN fight keeping Wisconsin game off many OSU fans' TVs this Saturday.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Friday, November 02, 2007

On football Saturdays, 63-year-old Dottie Watson sends her son and daughter-in-law off to the Ohio State game while enjoying the telecast from home with three grandchildren ages 10 and younger. The granddaughter often wears an OSU cheerleader outfit. The two boys have football jerseys.
The creation of the Big Ten Network and stalled negotiations with Time Warner Cable have compromised that Saturday tradition, and Watson isn't happy. The same goes for many Ohio State and Big Ten Conference fans who have missed games on their home cable, and their ire hasn't calmed in the two months since the conference-only channel launched.

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Time Warner-Big Ten feud revs up again this weekend

Buckeyes' game with Wisconsin is on the Big Ten Network on Saturday.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Friday, November 02, 2007

Jim Tressel has become a pitchman for the Big Ten Network and the leader of a team that plays one-third of its games on the conference-only channel.
Still, the Ohio State football coach doesn't have any more answers than the next fan.

"Do I wish the Big Ten Network were on everyone's TV? Absolutely," Tressel said. "Do I understand exactly why it is or it isn't? No."

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