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Taosman;959867; said:
Recorded the whole game last night. That's one good thing about BTN.

So did I. I was worried that it would be an edited-down version like the OSU-Purdue replay they showed just beforehand, but I assume they show the inital replay intact and un-edited and then edit it down for later replays...or, it could be that the Purdue game was an ABC broadcast while the Kent State game was a BTN broadcast.
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OSU SPORTS;960213; said:
The fact that Directv gives you every overflow game is great. Even if OSU is not in HD the day of the game(ch 220) you get a 3 hour replay in HD after the game. Living outside of Big Ten country, this is the first year I haven't had to buy gameplan. I can't wait until basketball season starts. The BTN will even televise the ex games.

It's even better on DISH where you can see the game live in HD even when it's not on the main channel :biggrin:
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Buck94;961631; said:
It's even better on DISH where you can see the game live in HD even when it's not on the main channel :biggrin:

Agreed--directv is dealing their BTN customers a trick bag!

Moving on, I sent BTN an email to fire Chris Martin 2 nights ago. His constant Buckeye bashing on a network supposedly trying to promote their member institutions is sickening. They must have listened to me, because for the first time all season they have Mike Tomczak on the set to shut him up, and Mike T. does not play Herbstreit politics, he is all Buckeye, all the time.
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Buck94;961631; said:
It's even better on DISH where you can see the game live in HD even when it's not on the main channel :biggrin:

LOL, let's pick this conversation up in January when Dish reveals what they are going to do with the BTN for customers outside the 8 state region of the B-10. BTW, Directv has 70 HD channels now, how many does Dish have?
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OSU SPORTS;962281; said:
LOL, let's pick this conversation up in January when Dish reveals what they are going to do with the BTN for customers outside the 8 state region of the B-10. BTW, Directv has 70 HD channels now, how many does Dish have?

Why aren't the overflow channels in HD even though it says the games are to be broadcast in HD even though they're on overflow channels?
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Thump;962298; said:
Why aren't the overflow channels in HD even though it says the games are to be broadcast in HD even though they're on overflow channels?

I would guess that they are using the bandwidth for the new HD channels, 70 at the moment and eventually around 100. It's not a big deal to me because I know the game will be re-broadcast in HD. Even some of the regional sports channels on Directv are starting to include an HD version. If you consider that DTV is giving you double channels on the same package(no cost increase), that is a great bargain. That also takes a lot of bandwidth to have duplicate stations.
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OSU SPORTS;962333; said:
Directv has exclusive rights for the NFL Sunday Ticket.

I thought that was the case. I guess will keep my DirecTV with 100 HD channels + Sunday ticket and continue to watch OSU vs. Directional U on "regular definition" (or in HD if it is the main BTN channel ,which is about a 33% chance that it will be).
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OSU SPORTS;962281; said:
LOL, let's pick this conversation up in January when Dish reveals what they are going to do with the BTN for customers outside the 8 state region of the B-10. BTW, Directv has 70 HD channels now, how many does Dish have?

Took them about two years to finally catch up to DISH, so I am sure DISH will have an answer.
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Buck94;962642; said:
Took them about two years to finally catch up to DISH, so I am sure DISH will have an answer.

That's the beauty of having sat service, there is real competition between Directv and Dish. Cable companies get treated like a monopoly and have little competition and the customers are the ones that suffer.
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