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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Florida State is not in the conversation. At all.

Even if they weren't a complete non-starter academically (they are), they are really not that big a draw outside of Tallahassee, and Tallahassee is not a big market. Jacksonville, Tampa, and Orlando are all mostly Gator towns. Tampa cheers more for the South Florida Bulls than they do for the Seminoles. Orlando cheers more for Central Florida than for FSU. Jacksonville, to the extent they care beyond the Gators, cares not about college sports. In South Florida, FSU is not part of the conversation. At all.

Bobby Bowden had an amazing 15 years, but the facilities there are still a joke by modern standards and they have no source of funding that will allow them to join the big boys any time soon. They were a flash in the pan, and that flash is in the past. They will jump up and have a decent season once in awhile; but there are no criteria by which they would make a good addition to any conference.
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Jacksonville, to the extent they care beyond the Gators, cares not about college sports.

Due to its proximity to Savannah/the Georgia coast, there is (or was) a large UGA fan presence in the Jax area. Probably more than there are FSU fans.

Most FSU fans are bandwagoners who are probably rooting for Alabama and/or Georgia now anyway.
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Fully believe that ND will stubbornly remain independent until (!) forced into a league, then probably the ACC, unless it's a smoldering ruin by then. Understand that for ND to leave ACC, there's a significant buyout on ND's part. If ND can weedle a place 'at the table' where they stamp their shoe on the table and demand to be included (!) in the playoff (automatic entry?). Or if college football stops pandering to the once, but not so much now, big-time ND, the powers (B10, SEC) say best records in the league, they'll be forced to join. If the ACC remains intact, then ND goes there. If Clemson and Fla St go to SEC, or Miami, (if U of Fla allow), then they might approach the B10 with their demands. Of course, NDs NBC contract complicates things, and who knows, ND might demand to keep their NBC revenues, and demand a full share of B10 money as well. Hopefully the clown at the head of the B10 says no to that.

Do remember a protestant bias against catholics, but not to the degree that some people are opining. More like ND used to go anywhere they wanted, and say, "we'll take your best OT, WR, etc" and then go on to the next state. The pipeline to Moeller, St. Iggy, Waterson, was impressive. Actually hired a Moeller HS coach to be HC at ND, but he didn't cut the mustard, so was scrubbed two(?) years into their experiement. Anyway, if people are waiting for the phone to ring from ND, better pack several lunches and dinners, it'll be a long wait. When looking at colleges, daughter said she wanted to look at USC. Told her that her grandfather would spin in his grave. When we were at Northwestern on a recruiting trip, she said she wanted to look at ND. Then said her grandfather would spin vertically in his grave. She gigged me by saying she was applying to Xichigan, said, "go ahead, my daughter can go there, but not a single penny of our money was going to that school".
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Fully believe that ND will stubbornly remain independent until (!) forced into a league, then probably the ACC, unless it's a smoldering ruin by then. Understand that for ND to leave ACC, there's a significant buyout on ND's part. If ND can weedle a place 'at the table' where they stamp their shoe on the table and demand to be included (!) in the playoff (automatic entry?). Or if college football stops pandering to the once, but not so much now, big-time ND, the powers (B10, SEC) say best records in the league, they'll be forced to join. If the ACC remains intact, then ND goes there. If Clemson and Fla St go to SEC, or Miami, (if U of Fla allow), then they might approach the B10 with their demands. Of course, NDs NBC contract complicates things, and who knows, ND might demand to keep their NBC revenues, and demand a full share of B10 money as well. Hopefully the clown at the head of the B10 says no to that.

Do remember a protestant bias against catholics, but not to the degree that some people are opining. More like ND used to go anywhere they wanted, and say, "we'll take your best OT, WR, etc" and then go on to the next state. The pipeline to Moeller, St. Iggy, Waterson, was impressive. Actually hired a Moeller HS coach to be HC at ND, but he didn't cut the mustard, so was scrubbed two(?) years into their experiement. Anyway, if people are waiting for the phone to ring from ND, better pack several lunches and dinners, it'll be a long wait. When looking at colleges, daughter said she wanted to look at ND. Told her that her grandfather would spin in his grave. When we were at Northwestern on a recruiting trip, she said she wanted to look at ND. Then said her grandfather would spin vertically in his grave. She gigged me by saying she was applying to Xichigan, said, "go ahead, my daughter can go there, but not a single penny of our money was going to that school".
Notre Dame is at least thinking about it this time. Because they haven't put in their usual we're happy to be independent press release. Now will they join I will believe it after they play their first game but until then I'm skeptical.
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The pipeline to Moeller, St. Iggy, Waterson, was impressive. Actually hired a Moeller HS coach to be HC at ND, but he didn't cut the mustard, so was scrubbed two(?) years into their experiement.

Faust signed a 5 year contract and (holier than thou) Notre Dame actually honored it. He coached there for all 5 years going 5-6, 6-4-1, 7-5, 7-5, and 5-6; 30-26-1 overall. Needless to say, Faust wasn't all that great of college football coach, after Notre Dame he went 43-53-3 over 9 years at Akron.

Apparently Notre Dame learned their lesson with Faust, later they fired Charlie Weis before his contract was up. His buyout was just over $18.96M.

Charlie Weis Paid Almost $19M from Notre Dame Buyout After Being Fired in 2009
Entire article: https://bleacherreport.com/articles...m-notre-dame-buyout-after-being-fired-in-2009


I'm guessing that Notre Dame will stay an independent until 2 things happen:

1) They have to have be in a conference to have a path to the College Football Playoffs/National Championship Game, etc.
2) It's financially beneficial for them to join a conference.
Upvote 0
Fully believe that ND will stubbornly remain independent until (!) forced into a league, then probably the ACC, unless it's a smoldering ruin by then. Understand that for ND to leave ACC, there's a significant buyout on ND's part. If ND can weedle a place 'at the table' where they stamp their shoe on the table and demand to be included (!) in the playoff (automatic entry?). Or if college football stops pandering to the once, but not so much now, big-time ND, the powers (B10, SEC) say best records in the league, they'll be forced to join. If the ACC remains intact, then ND goes there. If Clemson and Fla St go to SEC, or Miami, (if U of Fla allow), then they might approach the B10 with their demands. Of course, NDs NBC contract complicates things, and who knows, ND might demand to keep their NBC revenues, and demand a full share of B10 money as well. Hopefully the clown at the head of the B10 says no to that.

For giggles, consider the following: the SEC goes after two+ of Miami, FSU, Clemson… and B16 goes after UNC and UVA while adding Stanford and one of UW / Oregon…
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Faust signed a 5 year contract and (holier than thou) Notre Dame actually honored it. He coached there for all 5 years going 5-6, 6-4-1, 7-5, 7-5, and 5-6; 30-26-1 overall. Needless to say, Faust wasn't all that great of college football coach, after Notre Dame he went 43-53-3 over 9 years at Akron.

Apparently Notre Dame learned their lesson with Faust, later they fired Charlie Weis before his contract was up. His buyout was just over $18.96M.

Charlie Weis Paid Almost $19M from Notre Dame Buyout After Being Fired in 2009
Entire article: https://bleacherreport.com/articles...m-notre-dame-buyout-after-being-fired-in-2009


I'm guessing that Notre Dame will stay an independent until 2 things happen:

1) They have to have be in a conference to have a path to the College Football Playoffs/National Championship Game, etc.
2) It's financially beneficial for them to join a conference.
Yeah, his contract that was extended halfway through his first season, based solely on a close LOSS against USC. Who could have predicted?
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