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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
muffler dragon;1693598; said:
And now you live in Plymouth. :shake:

Talk about losing out on that deal.

I need to update my profile. I moved from Plymouth, MI to Overland Park, KS in March. We absolutely love it here in Kansas. Of course we are surrounded by KU, KSU, and Nebraska fans. However, 4 doors down is another Buckeye. It's amazing how many of us are around.
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DaveyBoy;1693608; said:
I need to update my profile. I moved from Plymouth, MI to Overland Park, KS in March. We absolutely love it here in Kansas. Of course we are surrounded by KU, KSU, and Nebraska fans. However, 4 doors down is another Buckeye. It's amazing how many of us are around.

The only thing I can say is that I don't believe Kansas City is actually Kansas. :biggrin:

My wife lived in Great Bend when I met her. There ain't much Great about that Bend nor the rest of central to western Kansas IMO. :tongue2:
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DaveyBoy;1693608; said:
I need to update my profile. I moved from Plymouth, MI to Overland Park, KS in March. We absolutely love it here in Kansas. Of course we are surrounded by KU, KSU, and Nebraska fans. However, 4 doors down is another Buckeye. It's amazing how many of us are around.

Small world, I live about 30 minutes from OP. Have a bunch of friends out that way. I spend a lot of time in that area. Town Center/Deer Creek Woods/etc...
Upvote 0
cincibuck;1693277; said:
...and likewise my vote for smartest AD of all times is the guy who pulled South Carolina out of the ACC and into the SEC. I mean, if they were still in the ACC we'd see Spurrier smile sometime...
FIFY. Have you ever seen Spurrier smile? Creepier than a room full of clowns.
Upvote 0
mross34;1693541; said:
That article has us adding Missouri, Nebraska, and Rutgers/Syracuse. I'd fairly happy with that.

Penn State
Ohio State
Michigan State


I think that works pretty well, although unless Nebraska continues this upward trend, that West division looks an awful lot like the Big 12 North.
Any expansion that does not include Texas is a giant fail. It would be worth taking Baylor and aTm if that's what it takes to get the Longhorns. Texas and southwest media market is incredibly important, and Texas is by far the best fit for the Big Ten Conference in every way except airfare - and that whole thing is way overblown.
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MaxBuck;1693633; said:
FIFY. Have you ever seen Spurrier smile? Creepier than a room full of clowns.

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MaxBuck;1693638; said:
Any expansion that does not include Texas is a giant fail. It would be worth taking Baylor and aTm if that's what it takes to get the Longhorns. Texas and southwest media market is incredibly important, and Texas is by far the best fit for the Big Ten Conference in every way except airfare - and that whole thing is way overblown.

From a fan's perspective, I agree that Texas should be the centerpiece of this whole scenario. However, with the amount of interest that's been discussed with Big XII schools, the only way I see Texas hopping on board is if Mizzou, Nebraska, Baylor, A&M or a combination of those 3 join the Big Ten as well. Sure the geography of the matter isn't as big of a deal as some may claim but I bet it still factors into the decisions. If the Big Ten's reach stretched out further west and south into Missouri and Nebraska then Texas would go from being a 95% fit to a 100% fit.
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I forgot to mention that I think having Notre Dame, Missouri, Pittsburgh, Rutgers and Syracuse sucks.

It may be wonderful in the future, but from strictly a football perspective this adds five more mid-level (or lower) teams to the Big Ten. Whoop-ee.
Upvote 0
Here are my current thoughts on the situation...

Texas + Texas A&M --- Ideal. Would bring in the entire republic of Texas to the Big 10. Texas is one of the most well-rounded institutions in the country, both academically and athletically (AAU institution), and would bring in an elite football program. UT is the hot girl at the dance and everybody knows it... including herself. A&M would bring in the land grant university to the 2nd biggest state in the nation, their academic resume is impressive (AAU institution as of this decade), and their their athletic teams would be really competitive in our league.

Syracuse + Rutgers --- Would "bring in the New York market" (if there even is one). PSU is rallying hard to have one or both of these teams included into the league's expansion plans. Both have strong academic programs (both are AAU institutions, Rutgers is the land grant school of NJ). Both border Big 10 country. Syracuse would bring in a perennial basketball and lacrosse power and a historically solid football program (1 NC). Rutgers would bring in a perennial... women's basketball power and an "up-and-coming" football program. But at least we'd get in the NY market who's interest in college sports has nowhere to go but up... right??

Pittsburgh --- Would bring in a school with a very good academic resume (AAU institution) with solid basketball program and pretty solid football program. Would not be adding a new state to the Big 10 map and PSU wants them in the league as much as OSU wants Cincy to join us. Not elite in anything, but would help the league academically and athletically.

Missouri --- If we are adding more than one team, Missouri will be joining the Big Ten. No question. Would bring in a new state to the Big 10 with a new viewing audience, already has a rivalry with Illinois, the state borders current Big 10 country, they are an AAU institution and the land grant school of their state, and their athletics are solid but rarely spectacular. Not the "Big Bang" we all want, but they fit pretty much everything we're looking for in an expansion school minus the elite athletic programs.

Notre Dame --- Would bring in boat loads of media exposure to the Big 10 and (hopefully) TV sets around the country despite not adding a new state to the map. They have yearly rivalries with scUM, MSU, and Purdue (as well as with Pitt if they were to join) and would be natural rivals of OSU and PSU as well. One of the best undergrad programs in the country and its academicas are highly regarded nationally, but their grad program is subpar with any of the current Big 10 members and are not an AAU or land grant institution. Their major athletic programs have been down for some time now, but are still nonetheless attractive despite that due to their history. Won't realistically be in Big 10 expansion plans unless we take more than 1 school... and the more schools we take, the greater the chance ND changes it's mind about being an independent school forever and ever.

Nebraska --- Still trying to wrap my mind around this one. Would be a new state on the map and is a border state of Iowa, but would it seriously bring in TV sets? It is an AAU and land grant institution, but its academic reputation is questioned by opposing fans within their current conference. Would bring in a historically strong football program that has come upon hard times over the last almost ten years, but wouldn't add any other "can't miss" athletic programs that I'm aware of. Too many questions in my opinion, but sounds like they would jump at the question if we were to ask them to join.

I just hope we don't "settle" for schools/a school who won't strengthen the Big 10 both athletically and academically.
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BuckTwenty;1693703; said:
Nebraska --- Still trying to wrap my mind around this one. Would be a new state on the map and is a border state of Iowa, but would it seriously bring in TV sets? It is an AAU and land grant institution, but its academic reputation is questioned by opposing fans within their current conference. Would bring in a historically strong football program that has come upon hard times over the last almost ten years, but wouldn't add any other "can't miss" athletic programs that I'm aware of. Too many questions in my opinion, but sounds like they would jump at the question if we were to ask them to join.

I just hope we don't "settle" for schools/a school who won't strengthen the Big 10 both athletically and academically.
And this B20...they have the best damn fans - both in ability to travel and classiness at home and visiting - of any program in the country, IMO.
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BuckTwenty;1693703; said:
Syracuse + Rutgers Syracuse would bring in a perennial basketball and lacrosse power and a historically solid football program (1 NC).

Pittsburgh --- Would bring in a school with a very good academic resume (AAU institution) with solid basketball program and pretty solid football program.

if Syracuse gets a 'historically solid' label I think Pittsburgh deserves at least the same

on second thought, I just did a quick wikipedia search to bolster my argument, some of the sections of their history are hilarious

"A Failed Policy" 1939-1954

"A Turn for the Worse" 1966-1972

"A Drop in Stature" 1982-1991"

"Another Downturn" 1991-1996

Are they the most self depricating fan base ever or are they just that bad :lol:
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