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Best conference (Merged All)

Conference v. Conference

First of all I would like to say Congratulations OSU for being in the Ntl. Title game and having a Heisman trophy winner.

With that being said you guys have to admit that Florida was the better team no ifs or buts about it and that the SEC is just a step ahead of the other conferences in the country.

I think teams like LSU, Auburn, and Arkansas could've put up a good fight and a win against OSU.

I'm not trying to start anything I just wanted to hear the other side of the story from you Big 10 fans.
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I just merged this with all of the other conference talk.

In a nutshell, if you watched OSU at all this year, you realize you did not see the same team...some of that is Florida...some of it is unexplainable and shocking to us.

However, I don't what last night proves about conferences...that is wasted breath. Who really cares which conference is best?

You can have the best conference...I only want the best team.
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Of the other 3 SEC teams you listed I believe the only one that may beat OSU is LSU. Arkansas lost to UW, and Auburn just isn't that impressive. UF played great, I had watched them 3-4 other games and really wasn't that impressed but they were unbelievable last night. Not sure how the SEC is so far ahead of the B10 though since the B10 was 2-1 vs. the SEC this bowl season. Anyhow congrats.
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It's funny all the SEC fans come out of the woodwork now...I doubt they would have shown up had OSU won, because then it would have been the BiG, Slow, Dumb Big 10 3, Lightning Quick SEC 0. As it is, had USC not choked against UCLA, Florida would not have had a chance to play for the title anyway. But of course they're head and shoulders above everyone now... :shake:
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SEC;712402; said:
First of all I would like to say Congratulations OSU for being in the Ntl. Title game and having a Heisman trophy winner.

With that being said you guys have to admit that Florida was the better team no ifs or buts about it and that the SEC is just a step ahead of the other conferences in the country.

I think teams like LSU, Auburn, and Arkansas could've put up a good fight and a win against OSU.

I'm not trying to start anything I just wanted to hear the other side of the story from you Big 10 fans.

More SEC incest? Jesus, don't you idiots ever get sick of kissing your sister? :shake:
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Ohio State played their worst game of the year, while Florida probably played their best. Does this mean that Florida would have beaten Ohio State repeatedly had they played 5 or 10 times in a row? Who knows, but I know that tOSU is lightyears better than the team that they put out on monday night.

With that said, champions show up in the big games when they need to. Ohio State did not, and did not deserve to win. Florida earned what they got.
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7. Death of the myth (again)
(Taking a deep breath in disgust for having to keep writing about this) Please, please, please, stop being lazy by saying the SEC is faster than everyone else just because Florida blew out Ohio State and LSU ran past Notre Dame. I?ll bet you four dollars and a bag of CornNuts that Ohio State?s two-deep runs a collective faster 40 time than Florida?s two-deep.

There?s a difference between playing fast and being fast, and the great teams can combine the two. When a team has a great gameplan, is executing it to perfection, has a high energy level, and is in a groove, it?ll play very, very fast. That doesn?t necessarily mean the team is actually faster than the other. It means it's sniffing out the plays better on defense and doing a better job of getting its speedy players in the open field on offense. One guy with warp speed tearing off a big run doesn't mean the entire team is faster than any other.

Of course Florida and LSU are lights-out fast. Teams with four and five star recruits tend to be speedy, and that includes just about all the ones that are top-ten worthy.
[SIZE=-1] But even other teams have great athletes. Which team has cranked out more NFL draft weekend picks over the last six years: USC, Texas, LSU, Oklahoma, Auburn, or Wisconsin? Nope, you're wrong. It's those supposedly slow, unathletic Badgers (and it wasn't all linemen getting picked). [/SIZE]

The Arkansas defensive front was quicker than the big, stodgy Wisconsin offensive line, but the Badger receiving corps and secondary, full of 4.39ers, can move. Penn State was just as fast as Tennessee in its Outback Bowl win. Ohio State has former World?s Fastest Dude Butch Reynolds helping out all the five-star, NFL athletes as the strength and conditioning coach; watch the draft lists for how fast these Buckeyes are.

Does Vanderbilt play fast? How's Kentucky's speed. That Mississippi State team can really fly, right? Instead of saying the SEC is faster, just say the best teams in the SEC occasionally play better than everyone else, just like the best teams in the ACC, Pac 10, Big 12, and Big Ten occasionally play better than everyone else. With that said ?
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As an LSU fan I obviously support the SEC and think that the SEC is the best conference in college football just like I'm sure many of you guys think Big 10 is the best conference. In all honesty all this stuff about one conference being better than the other is purely subjective and we could argue forever.

Florida/Ohio St just went to show that like throughout the history of football, any team can beat any other team on any given day. I think Florida played extremely well and Ohio St could've played a lot better. But Florida winning doesn't automatically mean that the SEC is better than the Big 10. Top to bottom we are pretty even, even though fans of both conferences don't want to admit that.

Anyway, good luck to you guys next year. And hopefully Nader Abdellah starts for the Buckeyes, I played against him in high school once and he was an absolute monster on defense.
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osugrad21;712405; said:
Who really cares which conference is best?

You can have the best conference...I only want the best team.

My feelings exactly. The only team that gets my money are the Buckeyes. Anyone else gets dumped into the same catagory as ex wifes, empty beer cans etc.
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osugrad21;712405; said:
Who really cares which conference is best? You can have the best conference...I only want the best team.

I agree to an extent, but IMHO it goes to strength of schedule. If you smash fellow conference teams, teams that do not engage and beat a ranked team, then the argument goes that you've not really proven yourself. Best of conference, perhaps, but not proven nationally.

That is why Boise State did not get a shot at the undefeated Buckeyes. The respect Florida keeps bitching it never got--then did with the NC bid--was not extended to the Broncos. And now that the Broncs took on the Big 12 champion, everyone still says so what? The Big 12 sucks so the Broncos still are not proven. They can't win.

As to your last sentence...agree wholeheartedly. The best team in-conference and nationally...that's what I want.
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OCBucksFan;713415; said:
I think it's funny that 90% of the people I have seen on various forums bragging are not Florida fans, they are either SEC fans, Miami Fans, or FSU fans who somehow feel they have influenced this victory...

Good point. Had Michigan won the National Championship, I'd be more glad and congratulatory toward Michigan, not the Big 10.
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