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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Honor&Glory;1054632; said:
just curious, but where are our TE's in the quick passing game tonight? I think a TE over the middle, just sitting down and boxing the defender, would help a little?

oh, well. offense has to get it done.

That was something I said in the x-factor thread...Ballard and Nicol. Hasn't come to fruition though.
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Hang on sloopy
Um assuming you meant that if the receivers aren't open,in support, there's nothing Todd can do, but he should not hesitate as much, at the very least scramble out of the pocket not just jump around trying to make a decision with Doucet breathing down his neck.
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Honor&Glory;1054632; said:
just curious, but where are our TE's in the quick passing game tonight? I think a TE over the middle, just sitting down and boxing the defender, would help a little?

oh, well. offense has to get it done.

Was just going to say how bout a TE middle screen with the pressure they are bringing.
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