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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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I think this is about as biased and baseless as your "10 Reasons..." post under your first name...
You mean he lied to us?


#1LSUFANEVER;1025405; said:
I dont know what you mean
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QB - Flynn has been average to good throughout the year and if Perrilloux is so good, why isn't he starting? Push.

RB - come on. Are you serious? Advantage OSU

WR - Slight advantage LSU

O-Line - Advantage Ohio State - they have been dominant (in general) since the Washington game. Joseph Barksdale could be the icing on the cake here. :roll2:

D-Line - Dorsey is as good as it gets and will be healthy. Jean-Francios is back from grade suspension. Ohio State is good but no one competes with this line. Advantage LSU

LB's - Marcus Freeman, Lil Animal and Larry Grant (a former highly coveted SEC-area recruit) vs Highsmith, Beckwith, etc - I will say Ohio State's depth gives them a slight edge.

DB's - Seriously? Steltz is overrated: he gets sucked in on play action WAY too easy. Great hitter, but I don't see how this guy was an All-American. I think there are other SEC safeties who are better, including Major Wright and Tony Joiner.

Special Teams - I would give LSU the advantage b/c of Holliday.

Coaching - Tressel by a long shot. Leslie can't handle this LSU-michigan debacle properly. He is a wack job.

Intangibles - Advantage LSU b/c of the locale, but Ohio State is dangerous b/c everyone is picking against them.

Final Score prediction: I don't have one.
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#1LSUFANEVER;1025409; said:
Thats fair. I was doing the coaching staffs as a whole

Heacock just won the fucking Broyles award. Of course, he is NOWHERE near the coordinator Pelini is - didn't his defense just give up 50 to Our-Kansas?

Gary Crowton...hmmm...how did BYU work out for ole' Gar?

EDIT - BKOCHMC beat me to it...
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Man... LSU looks unstopable, advantages everywhere. But thank god LSU's QB doesn't line up against OSU's QB and LSU's WRs don't line up against OSU's WRs... or else we would be toast.
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OWUBuckeye51;1025422; said:
Heacock just won the fucking Broyles award. Of course, he is NOWHERE near the coordinator Pelini is - didn't his defense just give up 50 to Our-Kansas?

Gary Crowton...hmmm...how did BYU work out for ole' Gar?

EDIT - BKOCHMC beat me to it...


Jim Bollman, offensive coordinator, was name assistant of the week by the Master Coaches earlier this year:
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Replying to #1LSUFANEVER's Post on his position comparison.

All of your comparisons are based on bias towards Ohio State. Not trying to be mean or anything, but when it comes to Ohio State I think you are ignorant in means of knowing about Ohio State football.

Todd Boeckman has been struggling, that is for sure. With Perriloux and Flynn, it does give LSU more depth at quarterback. But, if Boeckman plays like he is capable of playing, Ohio State has a pretty decent QB.

Beanie Wells is good, you can't say that LSU is better than Ohio State at running back, just because we have one dominant running back, not to mention Saine and Mo Wells have some talent.

At wide receiver OSU has Brian Hartline and Ray Small, which are two good playmakers with great talent, you are counting them out of the picture which you shouldn't, this just displays your lack of knowledge about the Buckeyes.

Ohio State has the better line, no questions about it there. They have the stronger line and if they can handle Dorsey up front, then the advantage definitely goes to the Ohio State o-line.

Dorsey is a great player and a great playmaker, but you are leaving out the talent of Ohio State's d-line. Vernon Gholston has more than double the sacks of Dorsey, Gholston has 13 and Dorsey has 6. The Ohio State d-line has a lot of depth that you are not mentioning.

It is spelled Laurinaitis, get used to that name, because you will be hearing it a lot on January 7th. Highsmith and Beckwith are both good playmakers, but I think Ohio State's depth can contend with LSU's. Marcus Freeman is an overlooked player, he had 95 tackles this year, and when we needed him he has stepped up big.

At defensive back, how can you not mention Malcolm Jenkins anywhere in there? He is one of the best cover corners in all of football, if not the best. Steltz is a great player for LSU, there is no doubt about that, but I think you are giving the LSU secondary a little too much credit.

Special Teams, LSU has the better kicker, Ohio State has the better punter, LSU may have the better returning game, and both match up fairly well on convering kickoffs and punts.

You should not even have brought up coaching, Jim Tressel, a finalist for the Head Coach of the Year and Jim Heacock, Assistant Coach of the Year Award Winner, Ohio State has the advantage in my opinion. Just remember that Les Miles is the "head coach," enough said.

LSU no doubt will have home field advantage, but don't be surprised with the number of Buckeye fans that will be at the game and that will be hanging around outside of the stadium.

From your analysis of the position comparisons, it is very well known that you lack Ohio State football knowledge, maybe do some research on your next analysis, just a little help. Not trying to be an ass or anything, just trying to save you some criticism.
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Nutriaitch;1025437; said:
We suck at this. Is that a weakness of OSU too?
If so, I think Holliday could become a slightly better weapon than I originally thought he would be.
The Buckeye's kick coverage has been inconsistent... they've allowed 2 kickoff TD's this year:
  • OSU smacked Northwestern 58-7 in week 4... NW's 7 were from the opening kickoff of the second half.
  • Penn State took a kickoff back for a TD with less than 4 minutes left in the game.
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Nutriaitch;1025437; said:
We suck at this. Is that a weakness of OSU too?
If so, I think Holliday could become a slightly better weapon than I originally thought he would be.

Actually that should read Ohio State has the advantage, that was a misinformative error. Ohio State does fairly well on covering punts and kicks just not the best job, I will correct it.
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Nutriaitch;1025437; said:
We suck at this. Is that a weakness of OSU too?
If so, I think Holliday could become a slightly better weapon than I originally thought he would be.

Pettrey was injured all year and started kicking off late in the season. Despite the cold weather he was still able to reach the endzone. Unless he mishits a ball in the dome I think LSU will be getting touchbacks on kickoffs, negating Holliday.
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#1LSUFANEVER;1025391; said:
QB - Boeckman is solid. Flynn and Perriloux both can run great as well as pass. The combo of passing and speed gives the edge to lsu. Maybe a slight adavantage to LSU, but I don't know enough about Boekman to say for sure.

RB - Beanie Wells has been very good, but LSU has 5 very good running backs. All of them bring a little something different. LSU has the depth, but Beanie is better than Hester, and not many other guys get enough carries to be a HUGE difference for LSU.

WR - Robiskie is good. Doucet is a future 1st rounder. Byrd is the key here. Ohio St doesnt have a second wr to match him. Tolliver is a great freshman as well. Robiske and Doucet are pretty close IMO. Don't know much about the rest of OSU's wideouts though. Byrd has really stepped up lately, and Toliver is going to be a good one. LaFell's inconsistencies hurt him. I'll give LSU a slight edge here. (Only cause LaFell appears to have finally learned how to catch)

O-Line - LSU is great at run blocking but has had trouble protecting the qb in certain spots. Ohio St has been solid but not spectacular. Stupid penalties, and tendancy to disappear for stretches knocks our O-Line down a bit.

D-Line - Dorsey is as good as it gets and will be healthy. Jean-Francios is back from grade suspension. Ohio St is good but noone competes with this line. I'll take our D-line here as well (that is not in any way a knock against OSUs)

LB's - Laurinitas is well decorated. Highsmith and Beckwith are both first rounders as well. Advantage OSU, agreed

DB's - Steltz is an all american. LSU's corners are 2 of the best in the SEC. ohio St has no one as good as steltz. We stay in the Nickel package too much. As long as McRay is playing DB, we're vulnerable.

Special Teams - Both teams are bad at coverage. Holiday is the fastest player in the country. Push

Coaching - Tressel is a great coach. Miles is underrated and has a great record. Tressel was outcoached last year. Miles has dominated in bowl games with a long time to prepare. Miles has better coordinators with Pelini and Crowton. Until Les wins the Big One, he's one notch below the guys who have.

Intangibles - NEw Orleans is 45 minutes from Baton Rouge. LSU typically has 30,000 people outside the stadium during the game with another 90,000 in tiger stadium. LSU will outnumber Ohio st about 65/35 inside the dome. LSU knows the dome pretty well. They have played their this year and for the sugar bowl last year. Ohio st played in the big game last year. This game in New Orleans is huge for LSU. This game elsewhere, and I think the spread is a lot closer, maybe even a "pick'em" game.

Final Score prediction: I'll fill in this blank on 1-8-08:biggrin:

See stuff in RED.
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