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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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shetuck;1025215; said:
ooc, how much does she weigh (or should that be weighe?)? :biggrin:

A henweigh?
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Position Comparison LSU vs OSU

QB - Boeckman is solid. Flynn and Perriloux both can run great as well as pass. The combo of passing and speed gives the edge to lsu. Advantage LSU

RB - Beanie Wells has been very good, but LSU has 5 very good running backs. All of them bring a little something different. Advantage LSU

WR - Robiskie is good. Doucet is a future 1st rounder. Byrd is the key here. Ohio St doesnt have a second wr to match him. Tolliver is a great freshman as well. Advantage LSU

O-Line - LSU is great at run blocking but has had trouble protecting the qb in certain spots. Ohio St has been solid but not spectacular. Advantage Push

D-Line - Dorsey is as good as it gets and will be healthy. Jean-Francios is back from grade suspension. Ohio St is good but noone competes with this line. Advantage LSU

LB's - Laurinitas is well decorated. Highsmith and Beckwith are both first rounders as well. Slight advantage OSU

DB's - Steltz is an all american. LSU's corners are 2 of the best in the SEC. ohio St has no one as good as steltz. Advantage LSU

Special Teams - Both teams are bad at coverage. Holiday is the fastest player in the country. Push

Coaching - Tressel is a great coach. Miles is underrated and has a great record. Tressel was outcoached last year. Miles has dominated in bowl games with a long time to prepare. Miles has better coordinators with Pelini and Crowton. Push

Intangibles - NEw Orleans is 45 minutes from Baton Rouge. LSU typically has 30,000 people outside the stadium during the game with another 90,000 in tiger stadium. LSU will outnumber Ohio st about 65/35 inside the dome. LSU knows the dome pretty well. They have played their this year and for the sugar bowl last year. Ohio st played in the big game last year. Advantage LSU

Final Score prediction: LSU 30 Ohio St 17

What does everyone else think? Has scout released a comparison yet?
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#1LSUFANEVER;1025391; said:
What does everyone else think?

I think the locals here are going to come out of the woodwork and pick this post apart.

I also think that if you truly believe we have that many advantages over OSU, you need to turn on your TV once in a while. There's a whole world out there if you look for it.
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What do I think? What do you think I think after reading that? I think that you've decided the game is over already, that's what I think. I think that you're slightly delusional if you really think that LSU has an advantage across the board and that you have no point in comparison except for the fact that you've watched every LSU game and have decided that they're invincible despite the fact that they lost two games to unranked opponents and damned near lost three more. That's about what I think on this one.

Now what I wonder is why would you come on to an Ohio State board to post this drivel? Sorry to be so harsh but damn, man, think about what and where you're posting it.
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Anyone that says a matchup of Miles vs Tressel results in a push has an invalid opinion to be honest.

OSU has the edge at RB, OL, DE, LB's, CB's, Special teams, and IMO a huge advantage in coaching.

LSU has the edge at QB, WR, DT, S, and has the home field. Should be a heck of a game
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teddybgame;1025408; said:
Anyone that says a matchup of Miles vs Tressel results in a push has an invalid opinion to be honest.

OSU has the edge at RB, OL, DE, LB's, CB's, Special teams, and IMO a huge advantage in coaching.

LSU has the edge at QB, WR, DT, S, and has the home field. Should be a heck of a game

Thats fair. I was doing the coaching staffs as a whole
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