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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Sdgobucks;1014721; said:
This would probably piss them off more than anything. From my 14 years here in the south I can tell you that a good "Who won the war bitch?" will do more to rile up inbreds than anything else. They hate blacks, mexicans, chew tobaco, drink Busch, love Dale JR, and fuck their sisters/mothers. Fuck the south, fuck the SEC, and fuck the Rebel flag.

Oh I know....my Dad is from Eastern Tennessee (which was mostly pro-union during the Civil War but anyway).....he doesn't care so much (our family hadn't come over on the boat yet), but he always said that is the best or worst thing you can say :biggrin:
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Sdgobucks;1014721; said:
This would probably piss them off more than anything. From my 14 years here in the south I can tell you that a good "Who won the war bitch?" will do more to rile up inbreds than anything else. They hate blacks, mexicans, chew tobaco, drink Busch, love Dale JR, and fuck their sisters/mothers. Fuck the south, fuck the SEC, and fuck the Rebel flag.


I lived almost 2 years in Charlotte which is barely southern... I can only imagine what you're going through, Sd.
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I said from the time we became #1 in the BCS that with the national disgust (jealousy) of The Ohio State University that the only way that The Bucks will get the RESPECT NATIONALLY that they deserve is to play and beat LSU on their home field (pretty much anyway). The national media and most fans nationally just don't see what we as Buckeye fans have seen all year that Tress took a team that got their asses handed to them last year. Lost, well all the offense, rebuilt their confidence, let a TON of kids play early and often and took care of business with really just 1 piss poor performance during the year.

I'm glad we didn't go undefeated, it was great the way things turned and now NO ONE in the country will give The Bucks a chance in hell against LSU, Georgia, USC. I like it that we will be No.1 in the BCS and not be favored. That's fine with me. This is much different from last year. We are not expected to win. BUT WE WILL WIN THIS FUCKING GAME because we have the best coach in America. Tress learned from his mistakes last year and will not let THIS team get all full of itself.

Hang on Folks, it's gonna be a hell of a ride and most of all .........

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Well I sure hope that LSU makes it in the championship game against you guys. Craziest season in a long long time. I think LSU-Ohio St. would be a great game, and all of you headed down here to New Orleans will have a good time. I don't for a second think that LSU will be able to dominate Ohio St. like Florida last year because tons of things change from year to year and LSU is not Florida and this year's Ohio St. has learned its lesson from last year and will come prepared. Hopefully we'll have Dorsey at full strength and it will be a fun game to watch. Just be happy that you guys know for sure you're in the NC, I have to bite my nails for some time :(
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GeauxTigers;1014733; said:
Well I sure hope that LSU makes it in the championship game against you guys. Craziest season in a long long time. I think LSU-Ohio St. would be a great game, and all of you headed down here to New Orleans will have a good time. I don't for a second think that LSU will be able to dominate Ohio St. like Florida last year because tons of things change from year to year and LSU is not Florida and this year's Ohio St. has learned its lesson from last year and will come prepared. Hopefully we'll have Dorsey at full strength and it will be a fun game to watch. Just be happy that you guys know for sure you're in the NC, I have to bite my nails for some time :(

Now you see, Speed (see this thread: http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/college-football/404-college-playoff-37.html#post1014734)? This is how you post if you're a visiting fan...
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By the way, we don't hate blacks, mexicans, chew tobaco (only sometimes), drink Busch, love Dale JR (though his dad was great), and fuck their sisters/mothers. But the idiots at Ole Miss are into all that and a lot more. Auburn as well.
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After perusing the Tiger Droppings forum I've decided that LSU fans are really smart, the name of their forum is very fitting and I would love to play them in the title game. Some of the posts are hilarious...the best are the "only undefeated team in regulation" and "our second (and then third) string could beat Ohio State."


Please, please, please let us play them.
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tigerdroppings is filled with drama queens. They recently had a 30 page thread of a rumor that someone started saying Miles told the players at practice he would be going to Michigan. Tigerforums is more sane. But hey, you'll see some idiots on there too, just a warning :p
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Pheasant;1014749; said:
After perusing the Tiger Droppings forum I've decided that LSU fans are really smart, the name of their forum is very fitting and I would love to play them in the title game. Some of the posts are hilarious...the best are the "only undefeated team in regulation" and "our second (and then third) string could beat Ohio State."

Please, please, please let us play them.

I think JT would school Lesser Miles but that's just me.
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GeauxTigers;1014755; said:
tigerdroppings is filled with drama queens. They recently had a 30 page thread of a rumor that someone started saying Miles told the players at practice he would be going to Michigan. Tigerforums is more sane. But hey, you'll see some idiots on there too, just a warning :p
I'm sure it's nothing I couldn't see on the scout boards up here...I just choose to pretend they don't exist- too embarassing.
Tigerdroppings seems a lot like the Miami of Ohio boards- just with a lot more morons.
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Deety;1014792; said:
Just saw this listed on ESPN as well. LSU can make a good case for being in the NC game, and losses being close help that case. But just having the ability to lose slowly seems an odd justification.
Exactly...with as much as everyone has been on LSU's nutz this season, why do they need to make shit up? Say you have two losses- both in triple overtime...don't say you're the only team undefeated in regulation (especially since hawaii just went undefeated) when you have 2 losses, it makes you sound like an IDIOT.
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Pheasant;1014798; said:
Exactly...with as much as everyone has been on LSU's nutz this season, why do they need to make shit up? Say you have two losses- both in triple overtime...don't say you're the only team undefeated in regulation (especially since hawaii just went undefeated) when you have 2 losses, it makes you sound like an IDIOT.
I didn't realize until the clip was played just now that it was a direct quote from Miles.
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Does anyone here thinks that Hawaii should be playing for national championship after all?

Hawaii came back from a huge deflicit to Washington to win it. Colt Brennan went 42 for 50 for 400+ yards and 5 TDs with no interceptions.

Even Ohio State and LSU would have a tough time stopping that offense.
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