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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

t_BuckeyeScott;709736; said:
Is it bad that as of right now I'm not really nervous about this game like I was for the Texas scUM games? On one hand I'm pretty damn confident on the other I was nervous and the game wasn't in doubt in the 4th quarter? Oh well



Not at all. I rewatched the 02 Championship game and it made me more nervous than any game I've watched with this team all year. I thought that was pretty funny considering I've known how that one turns out for 4 years!
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So excited... so ampped!!! At 5:00 am I thought it was a great idea to deadlift... That took a lot out of me and halve clamed down a lot since....Just had breakfast and I am so excited I think I might puke it out....lol

Come on Bucks
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Interesting that to me it looks like FOX has completely dropped the ball on this game.
From trolling around it looks like there is very little interest/knowledge going around.
I'm predicting it will be a huge flop ratings wise.
Go Bucks!
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I know this is silly but have you all seen the fox commercial with the OSU and UF player climbing the ladder to reach the NC Trophy? The OSU player never makes it to the top of the ladder and the UF player does........those sons of bishes! :biggrin:
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Taosman;709770; said:
Interesting that to me it looks like FOX has completely dropped the ball on this game.
From trolling around it looks like there is very little interest/knowledge going around.
I'm predicting it will be a huge flop ratings wise.
Go Bucks!
agreed. their coverage... check that... their lack of coverage is deplorable. i hope that fox loses a lot of money on the bcs. i hope that the buckeyes absolutely demolish the gators, which will drop the ratings even lower. there are many things i can't stand about espn, but in now way is fox fit to carry and cover the bcs.
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