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Away game recommendations/stories


OK, so we are planning a "guys weekend" to an away game either this season or next. We want to drink and party hard.....and be within walking distance to the game and the pre and post game fun. Any recommendations would be appreciated.....also, if you would like to recant some of your favorite away game stories have at it!
The best games for getting tickets should be one of your criteria ...

(If only Indiana was on the schedule :))

That said - MSU early in season, N'Western (good for easy hotels) or the following week at Illinois.

Typically those types of games have tickets available with ease (at close to face value).
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Myself and four friends went to Evanston two years ago and had a great time. There campus turns into a mini Lane Avenue. It was a great experience. Every bar we walked into was filled with Buckeye fans.

Illinois was an ok experience. We didn't party as much before hand because I was with family, but still had a good time.

Purdue was fun. Again, didn't party because I was younger, but a great environment nonetheless.
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Not looking for fights...I'm getting too damn old for that! Evanston sounds good. The whole Lane Avenue type atmosphere is what we (about 7 or 8 of us) are looking for. Easy tickets are also a must.

addendum: Being the dirty old man that I am, which campus has the hottest coeds/MILFs........lol
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grnvllbuck;1098705; said:
Not looking for fights...I'm getting too damn old for that! Evanston sounds good. The whole Lane Avenue type atmosphere is what we (about 7 or 8 of us) are looking for. Easy tickets are also a must.

addendum: Being the dirty old man that I am, which campus has the hottest coeds/MILFs........lol

Make plans for the USC game.
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if you're only doing one away game, why not make it USC? actually, for partying and ease of transportation/lodging etc Michigan will probably be the best. Northwestern is like a high school game
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grnvllbuck;1098705; said:
Not looking for fights...I'm getting too damn old for that! Evanston sounds good. The whole Lane Avenue type atmosphere is what we (about 7 or 8 of us) are looking for. Easy tickets are also a must.

addendum: Being the dirty old man that I am, which campus has the hottest coeds/MILFs........lol

Im sorry but you will not find the "Lane Avenue atmosphere" in Evanston. There are very few bars in Evanston and almost none that I can think of in the area directly by the stadium. Everyone (OSU Alums, Fans, etc.) parties at bars in Chicago and then takes a chartered bus/limo up to the game.
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grnvllbuck;1098587; said:
OK, so we are planning a "guys weekend" to an away game either this season or next. We want to drink and party hard.....and be within walking distance to the game and the pre and post game fun. Any recommendations would be appreciated.....also, if you would like to recant some of your favorite away game stories have at it!

LA would be the away game to attend. The only snag is that you don't want to be "walking distance" from the Coliseum, which borders a very, very bad part of town. Gameday, you pretty much want to get in and get out of that area. You want to stay in West LA/Beverly Hills/Hollywood.
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I had a great time in Champaign 2 years ago. The tix were not too difficult to come by, the fans were great (they hate TSUN almost as much as we do) - though I'm sure that with their recent victory they will not be as contrite. There were some good college bars to visit that evening, and the ladies were better than I expected (certainly better that NU or UM).

MSU is also a great campus to visit. I dare say that the attitude of the students parallels that of tOSU IMO. The ladies are simliar to those at home, and the campus atmosphere is great. You'll have some good discussion topics with Dantonio at the helm and the mutual distaste for UM.

I would avoid Wiscy if I were you. I don't know your location, but it's a long drive for the treatment you'll receive - bonehead. Think PSU, but stuck in the 80's and not as classy, if you can believe that ("Jump Around" is still fresh up there).
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Not sure why no one thinks there aren't any bars in Evanston. We found a Bar Louie's right on campus that was packed full of Buckeye fans. Probably about 1.5 miles or so from the stadium. Caught the bus and it took us right to the stadium. 3/4 of the stadium was Buckeye fans. Granted, the stadium was the size of a large high school here, but it was a good time.

Tickets will be easy to come across, you have Chicago right there and I still think it was a fun atmosphere.

And SOME of the girls that were bar-tending at Bar Louie's were pretty good looking...
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