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Away game recommendations/stories


Being from tampa every game is a road game for me. Having said that im making plans for Miami. By far the hottest women, topless beach(south beach), and it will be the National title game in 09'. Having said that USC is a close second. Pound the rock!! beanie. Go bucks:osu:
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OhioSte;1110355; said:
Not sure why no one thinks there aren't any bars in Evanston. We found a Bar Louie's right on campus that was packed full of Buckeye fans. Probably about 1.5 miles or so from the stadium. Caught the bus and it took us right to the stadium. 3/4 of the stadium was Buckeye fans. Granted, the stadium was the size of a large high school here, but it was a good time.

Tickets will be easy to come across, you have Chicago right there and I still think it was a fun atmosphere.

And SOME of the girls that were bar-tending at Bar Louie's were pretty good looking...

I dont think Bar Louie comes to mind when thinking of "lane ave atmosphere".
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I've been to TSUN, Michigan State, and Northwestern, and have had a blast at all of them!

The TSUN fans actually were not all that bad. Granted, I was with some fraternity brothers from the UM chapter, but the other fans were giving more fun jabs than showing real hatred.

Michigan State was a blast! Tailgating is simple there, you can bring whatever adult beverages you like. Also, their fans are a blast to party with! We ended up playing Bollo and Washers with some of their fans we met, and they offered us all the free beverages we could drink!

Northwestern is a ton of fun as well. They have this deal called Wildcat Alley behind the stadium. It is basically just a pep rally that Goose Island provides free beer for! Had a blast there, and it is a pretty easy ticket.

Hope that helps!
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I have been to Purdue, Indiana (twice), Illinois, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Michigan St, and Michigan(twice). A road trip is always a good time. Without a doubt the worst trip is Wisconsin. Their fans are really bad--I am not talking about the occasional idiot either--there are plenty of them there. All of the others were very enjoyable including mingling with the other fans. Purdue, Michigan and Michigan St probably stand out the most for me though.
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