MGoBlog Boards said:He's practically a Greek tragedy. An amazing ascent in act I, periods of rising and falling action, until finally as the man said, he hit rock bottom. And his story isn't over yet. While he definitely grew in maturity and experience as the stereotypical tragic character does, he had his own tragic flaws that invoke pity in the audience, as Aristotle pointed out was one of the greatest cathartic emotions for a tragic audience. It's just a shame we don't know exactly what those flaws are, and are forced to watch him go as the result of some unknown force, be it internal (Tate's personal struggles) or external (the rise of Denard, the possibility of no longer being wanted). I will miss Tate. No other player evoked more emotion from me over the past decade. I hope his story transitions into a comedy and a happy ending.
Huh, and here I thought his story had been a comedy for quite some time.