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Anyone going to texas?


I'm just wondering if anyone is planning on going to texas in 06 for that game. I've never been to texas and I'm interested in going and I know it would probably be expensive but i'm just wondering if there are people out there thinking about going to.
Believe it or not my son is a hopeless Texas fan. Mind you they are his SECOND favorite school, but he does love them - poor kid.

Anyhow, we have had season tickets for home games for about 12 years. Never been to an away game together but I promised we would go to Austin if at all possible. Game like that the ticket price is whatever it is.
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You fellas may want to work a deal with TexasFan on a Here-and-there ticket venture... He's beggin for tickets here... and he seems to be positioned very well for tickets there...
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You fellas may want to work a deal with TexasFan on a Here-and-there ticket venture... He's beggin for tickets here... and he seems to be positioned very well for tickets there...

I gave that some thought, but since I don't have my tickets yet for a game this year I am certain he will not have his for next year for some time. Rather than a trade of 'a ticket for a ticket' this sounds like 'a ticket for the promise of a ticket'.

I don't want to be wandering in the parking lot of a pizza place looking for Barney Rubble next September.
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Yeah, if anybody plans on doing a ticket exchange, do it as an agreed upon sale of tickets back-and-forth. That is, sell 2 tickets for $500 or something like that, and agree to pay the same price for 2 tickets next year.

If you don't do it that way you're giving the other guy too much of an opportunity to leave you high and dry.

I'm planning a trip to Austin next year for some BBQ, beer and football.
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Tickets are easy to get on game day a few blocks outside the stadium. For regular games they go for about $60-$70. OU in Dallas usually goes about $150-$200 around game time, at least lately. I would think you might be looking at over $100 for OSU in '06, but it also depends of course on how highly the teams are ranked.
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Tickets are easy to get on game day a few blocks outside the stadium.

Thanks - that is probably the approach I will take. I have never seen an instance where tickets were not available outside the stadium for less than eBay or ticket agents were selling - even without haggling. You just have to have the nerves to do it that way.

(I remember specifically the Rose Bowl in '97. Fans in Columbus were frantic to get tickets and paying outrageous prices. I had mine before I went, but on the way into the stadium the streets were lined with folks selling for as little as $15 per.)
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