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Anyone capable of discussing gas without politics? Anyone?

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CCI;1182923; said:
Gas is going to be $5.00 a gallon here in ohio. I hear it's $4.79 on the West Coast:shake:

My answer to the high gas prices is the truckers of America should go on strike, If they strike it will only last a few weeks cause America would shut down.

Gas won't be $5 for a while yet. But I did hear $4.50 by July 4th. I would expect $5 by the end of July/early August.
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CCI;1182923; said:
My answer to the high gas prices is the truckers of America should go on strike, If they strike it will only last a few weeks cause America would shut down.
Crippling the economy, causing oil prices to skyrocket to $7-10+ per gallon. Not a very smart plan.
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jwinslow;1182931; said:
Crippling the economy, causing oil prices to skyrocket to $7-10+ per gallon. Not a very smart plan.

The trucking companies protest that they refuse to pay the gas prices. I think the government will have to step in.

I see your point but to do something (anything) for the blue collar people paying these gas prices.

These gas prices are a sign of the times IMO.
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CCI;1182940; said:
The trucking companies protest that they refuse to pay the gas prices. I think the government will have to step in.

I see your point but to do something (anything) for the blue collar people paying these gas prices.

These gas prices are a sign of the times IMO.

there's nothing the gov't can do, short of selling oil in the SPR or subsidizing it. IMO neither are very plausible. did you see where the truckers in Spain went on strike a few days ago? they just parked their semi's on all the highways and bridges. it brought the country to a stand still.
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LadyBuckeye;1182569; said:
I can remeber in both American History and economics class, we were always taught that the best way to boost the economy was to go to war. A great example being after WWII, our economy soared. I am hoping (not expecting) for the same to happen after this war. With the outcome not being such an obvious win/loss line drawn in the sand, I don't think history will be repeating itself anytime soon.

fourteenandoh;1182611; said:
i'm a little fuzzy, but didn't those recoveries happen while the war was going on? turning up the factories to make supplies is what got everyone working.

LadyBuckeye;1182634; said:
Aside from the classes I took, I remember my Grandmother telling me about receiving coupons for food, also for clothes and shoes for her kids while my Grandfather was in the war.

You could be right, but I thought it the economy began to reap the benefits of what you talked about after the war.

with all due respect we havent had a "war economy" since ww2. at that time they rationed food, salt, tires etc. people grew victory gardens, bought bonds to defeat the evil empires of the world. i see little to no change in the average american with what is going on in iraq/afghanistan...

CCI;1182923; said:
Gas is going to be $5.00 a gallon here in ohio. I hear it's $4.79 on the West Coast:shake:

My answer to the high gas prices is the truckers of America should go on strike, If they strike it will only last a few weeks cause America would shut down.

ive heard about 4.25 but could be. heck i saw 4.20 hers in the midwest last week...

remember the last time truckers in the us struck and stopped on the roads? state troopers beat the hell out ofthem. we are seeing overloaded rail beds right now. they are run down and dilapidated. i find it interesting 2-3 years ago we were immune to worldwide high prices.

this issue is five times more complicated than people think. you cant just have the governmet fix it. the strategic reserve has the capacity to hold 727m barrels of fuel. a month ago congress voted to stop filling it. current reserve is 705m barrels 281m sweet 424 of crude (Strategic Petroleum Reserve Inventory 2005)

the issue is that the issue like the credit market is essentially to complex for washington congressmen. they dont understand it. their are simpler issues to argue over...
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Half price gas reminds me of something the gas stations around the area are going through. Their pumps only go up to 4.00 so they are charging 2.20 for gas! (per half gallon) when you get done the pump says 38.00 and the guy says ok that'll be 76 bucks
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Saudis to boost output to highest levels. (NY Times)

The increase could bring Saudi output to a production level of 10 million barrels a day, which, if sustained, would be the kingdom’s highest ever. The move was seen as a sign that the Saudis are becoming increasingly nervous about both the political and economic effect of high oil prices. In recent weeks, soaring fuel costs have incited demonstrations and protests from Italy to Indonesia.
Saudi Arabia is currently pumping 9.45 million barrels a day, which is an increase of about 300,000 barrels from last month.
While they are reaping record profits, the Saudis are concerned that today’s record prices might eventually damp economic growth and lead to lower oil demand, as is already happening in the United States and other developed countries. The current prices are also making alternative fuels more viable, threatening the long-term prospects of the oil-based economy.
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Heavy (sulfur containing) crude is capable of being made into gasoline. It is true though that fewer refineries can handle that stock. It is also true that the Saudis have gone to lengths to increase the proportion of Arab light rude that they drill and sell. (Wash Post)
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CCI;1182923; said:
Gas is going to be $5.00 a gallon here in ohio. I hear it's $4.79 on the West Coast:shake:

My answer to the high gas prices is the truckers of America should go on strike, If they strike it will only last a few weeks cause America would shut down.

The boom of the economy was because of women started to work in factories where their husbands were working but were then fighting in the war. But that was only one factor. Other factors were that new refineries and factories popped up everywhere producing more and more goods.

The reason the economy exploded at the start of WWII, is that the government created demand. Every factory was running at full production making guns, planes, tanks, and bombs. Not to mention several million people were removed from the work force to fight the war. Where as before demand for goods was low, and there were more people than jobs, during the war, demand was always high (though artificially), and there were less people to work the jobs. Even after the war, the economy stayed good due to the government spending for the cold war, and all the rebuilding that had to be done in Europe and Asia. We were the king of manufacturing then, lots of our goods were exported.

If the government puts more money in (by taking on MASSIVE amounts of debt like it did during WWII) than it takes out (with taxes), then the economy will be artificially boosted as long as this is maintained. A war doesn't have to take place for this to happen, in fact I would argue that its happening now, and has been happening for a long time. The government continues to spend more money than it takes in with taxes, so our economy is still artificially boosted. We are addicted to the artificial economy the government has created for us. I'm not saying the government cant ever artificially boost the economy, but it should wait to do so for the most dire cases. The trade off for this is that when things are good spending should be cut, and taxes raised to pay back all the debt accumulated from when it boosted things up during a depression. This last step is what we haven't seen. Politicians and Americans in general are too stupid to understand that its necessary. If they did, a politician who said they would raise taxes, cut social security, medicare, and welfare would have been elected in 1996.
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