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so are you people trying to tell me that the big condom I put over the harddrive might not be protection enough?????


I downloaded and installed Avast and when I rebooted it actually found 3 dialer trojan viruses that Norton evidently did not recognize. That being said, I've been reading through the information in the help files and from what I read there are supposed to be two Avast icons in my system tray. There are no Avast icons in my system tray. Maybe I'm a bit dumber then the simple user interface but I can't find anything to tell me how I am to get those icons in my system tray to show me that I have real time protection that I'm getting now from Norton. Anyone got any suggestions?

Update: For anyone interested. Avast will not completely install on a machine that already has a virus protection program installed. In order for it to work I have to completely uninstall Norton and then install Avast. At this point in time, I'm not quite ready to take that step since I'm not completely sure I want to use Avast as my virus protection.
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I've been reading through the information in the help files and from what I read there are supposed to be two Avast icons in my system tray .... Anyone got any suggestions?

At this point in time, I'm not quite ready to take that step since I'm not completely sure I want to use Avast as my virus protection.

Two things
You have the option to combine the two avast icons into one on your system tray and you also have the option to remove the animation. My vote is for combining the two and hiding the animation, everything in the system tray takes up extra RAM, and I don't need the icon to know it's working--the active protection is very good. (I thought there was an option to remove the icon completely, but I can't find it.)
I switched from NIS to avast to try the free antivirus that was rated as well or better, to save on system resources, and mostly becuase I'm slightly too lazy to shell out $60 and then fill out the rebates. I haven't been dissapointed yet.
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Yep and one more thing.....

If you right click the avast icon and go to On Access Protection Control. Click on Details. Click on Standard Shield in the left column, and choose customize. Uncheck the scan executed program box.........and that will keep it from scanning everything as you open it. Improves performance dramatically.
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Only do that if you aren't going to be opening anything from questionable sources. I know it has saved my butt a few times while I was trying to get cracks or key gens unzipped and running.

Well if you download a crack and it ends up being an .exe........you pretty much know that it shouldnt be opened :biggrin:

Other than that, if it's a zip, rar, etc......the only thing avast is gonna do is scan winrar, or winzip, when it opens. But leaving that option marked also scans when you open IE, Outlook, Winamp, etc.......definitely causes a speed decrease.
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