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I'm also gonna have to say avast. The program simply rocks. And when it does catch a virus or whatever this really cool voice says somthing along the lines of "Warning! Virus Detected!" and I feel like I'm in a spaceship. That alone makes it my number 1.
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I'm using PC-Cillin Internet Security 2006. While it's not free like avast, it has anti-spyware/adware, firewall, and wireless internet security features that seem to be working great - and it doesn't take over your computer like Norton does. You can download the full version off of newegg.com for $40 or so. Haven't had any problems since (not that I had any problems to begin with, but hopefully if something comes up, this will stop it).
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Get the free home edition. Works awesome, and is free.

I co-sign this as well, works great.

I couple this with Microsoft Antispyware, spyware doctor, and adaware and I'm good. I use Registry Mechanic to clean up after I'm done. It's alot but I have 100,000+ music files on my computer and I do alot of downloading and having people upload from me so I need it.
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I've been running Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security for about 4 years here and haven't had a problem. Initial costs are high, but if you wait until they have rebates out, you can get them for next to nothing.
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