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Not exactly an ‘airport’ annoyance, but relating to a flight.

A couple of months ago I bought non-stop flights for myself and my wife to fly from Chicago to Portland in October, a few days before and a couple of days after a certain game at Autzen Stadium. I got an email from American this week saying that ‘my flight times were changed’. This happens often, I’m thinking, they shifted a few minutes either way, no big deal.

But I decided to look more closely, and noticed that the ’change’ meant that we were now routed through Phoenix each way, adding almost 5 hours both days. The email also stated that I could change my flight with no fees. I clicked on the link, and also checked the app, and I only had options via cities like PHX, LAX, etc. The non-stop showed as an option if I delayed by a day. I went through the phone thing, having them call me back when it was my turn. They said the Tuesday non-stop flight from O’Hare to PDX was cancelled, but it still flew on all other days.

So I decided to switch to the Monday flight, which I didn’t do originally since it was more expensive when I booked. I had to make another phone call in order to switch to a day that was previous to the one I booked, since the app and the website didn’t allow that. I was fortunate to get that done on the day of the big computer system outages. Now I need to rearrange my hotels because I was bouncing around Oregon and northern Cali each night.
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