BuckeyeSoldier;1997679; said:
I dont know if its admonkey but the site is almost readable. On my work computer it slows internet explorer down to 30 seconds to a full minute just to load one page. On my wifes laptop it constantly refreshes using mozilla and still isnt exactly fast. I saw a mention in one of the threads of blocking ad monkey, i tried that but its still there so maybe that was a joke. either way my favorite site is unusable for me :(
How long has this been going on for you, and is it a constant issue or does it come and go? On Mozilla, the whole page won't be refreshing, it will just be that a brief update loads with some frequency. That shouldn't affect how quickly the page itself loads, or stays in your browser, and if it is there's another issue there. When you say "still isnt exactly fast", what do you mean?
By 'blocking AdMonkey' what was really meant was editing your HOSTS file so that the BTN/Twitter position wouldn't load for you. There's a thread about that somewhere, although I'm sure if you ask in the computer forum someone can help walk you through it. This can also be accomplished by way of browser plug-ins, although I can't speak to what's available for IE.
Share what more info you have, and we'll get it sorted out. We have another week with that BTN/Twitter ad, but if it's truly making the site unusuable for anyone, I'll just be rid of it sooner rather than later.
Also, when you say it takes 30-60 seconds for a page to load: all pages, or just threads (that's where the BTN/Twitter ads are). Does the page start to load and then get hung up? If so, where? (OR) Does the page seem to fully load, but your browser indicates that it's still trying to load something else? (OR) Does nothing at all load for 30-60 seconds? Finally, what version of Internet Explorer are you using at work, and what add-ons does it have? I can't reproduce the problem in IE8, but can't speak to IE9.
The more information I have, the easier it is to chase down and/or isolate the problem.