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A note to fairweather Buckeye fans...

I will say, I am embarrassed that some of the fan base acts like that. The sun came out, and the buckeyes are still the buckeyes the next day. I'd say that with all the adversity our team is going through, this is the time they need us the most. Show our support, not bail on them when there is time still left on the clock. Fans are real fans through the thick and thin. The rich times and lean times. Let's all keep this in the proper perspective. THE Ohio State University is still in the market for molding young people, and giving the best education around. I am still with you, and will not falter. Family is like that you know.
Oh, one thing, I didn't hang my head when I went to work. I held it up high, cause, I'M A BUCKEYE!!!

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BuckeyeNation27;1995080; said:
I told my wife 1 good thing about the Miami game was that ticket prices were going to go down for the Colorado game.......but I didn't expect this. I watched eBay auctions all day yesterday (1 day later), and people are getting AA 35 yard line seats for face value. I'm wondering how empty the stadium is going to be this weekend.

If you're local, not busy, and usually can't afford tickets....this is the game for you.

Got news for you, my nephew and I sat in A, on the 20 yard line, for the Toledo game for $30 bucks a seat and we passed up folks who were giving away tickets. This was BEFORE Miami.

Part of it is reaction to the passing shit storm of tattoos, what did Tress know and when did he know it, and the let down that Pryor was not the Prince we thought he'd be.

They'll be back and before Michigan.
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Iam and will be a fan forever...sports are a fickle mistress. ..yes I have had dissappointments..losing to scum and Bo..losing to Stanford and Jim Plunkett, getting blown out in the Rose Bowl by Sam the Bam, the 10-10 tie,Woody's punchand Byar's foot. And Highlights Archie arrives, Pete Johnson. NC wins.. the good feels so much better when you have lived with the pain of the bad. People who jump from school to school or team to team really haven't made an investment as a fan. I grew up a Reds fan and got to enjoy the Machine..in 79 I moved to Illinois and made an investment as a fan of the Cubs so I know pain but their is a chance one year there will be a big payoff(I Hope)..
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Would you guys recommend scooping up MSU tickets this week before Colorado restores some confidence in the fanbase, or do you like my chances of finding face value MSU tickets on the way to the MSU game even if they rebound ?

It looks like low a deck 20 yd line can be had for 200-220 on Ebay

cinci how early did you get those tickets on gameday
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jwinslow;1995347; said:
Would you guys recommend scooping up MSU tickets this week before Colorado restores some confidence in the fanbase, or do you like my chances of finding face value MSU tickets on the way to the MSU game even if they rebound ?

It looks like low a deck 20 yd line can be had for 200-220 on Ebay

cinci how early did you get those tickets on gameday

We left our tailgate shortly after the band exited St. Johns. We were in our seats in time to watch some of the warm ups and all of the band entrance.
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Would you guys recommend scooping up MSU tickets this week before Colorado restores some confidence in the fanbase, or do you like my chances of finding face value MSU tickets on the way to the MSU game even if they rebound ?

It looks like low a deck 20 yd line can be had for 200-220 on Ebay

cinci how early did you get those tickets on gameday
Be aggressive and you will get tickets cheaply the day of game. Look for people who are about to sell to scalpers and suggest that they avoid the middle man. Trust me, with 105,000, there are always cheap tickets floating around.
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Well said... A lot of fanbases have a rough time, but sticking it out through that and supporting the players and organization is what being a fan is. We've been spoiled beyond belief as tOSU fans, and getting pissy and whiney when they don't win every game is just embarrassing. I talked to a lot of friends that said they stopped watching at halftime.... Really? Don't call yourself a fan to me. As a fan of all Cleveland sports, the Buckeyes are a refreshing change of pace as far as wins are concerned, so there's no need to get all bent out of shape because of a down season. Loyalty is the biggest element of being a fan. Stick with the team through the good and the bad. We're also incredibly privileged in that our "bad" still puts us in a bowl game with 7+ wins.

Time to be realistic with the expectations. I got over this loss more than any I can remember... Going to post this reply so I can go check out stub hub. :biggrin:

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buckeyes_rock;1995403; said:
Well I'm happy to report that I made it through a whole day of work despite the numerous rips on "my team." I'm still loud and proud no matter how awful we look. Once a Buckeye...always a Buckeye! :)

That's what being a fan is - I did the same last year - wore my colors proud. WTF? They lost - fine. They went out, gave it their best, and lost to a better team. What shame is there in that?

I also saw quite a few OSU fans leaving early - some as early as end of 3rd qtr. The one you could just read as real fans, they stayed until well after the final gun. And I know in my section, we didn't put up with any sh!t. We had a few "Canes Fans" and I say that sarcastically, 2 rows behind us who talking crap to a family - a damn FAMILY of OSU fans in the row - this is parents with their mid-teen kids - and we put a stop to that REALLY quick. We had 6 guys on my right, hardcore Canes fans, who had to have been around 6'4"+ and 260+lbs each, and they slowly stood up and turned around, and one said "if I have to find a way to get my big ass up there, you will regret it every single step I take." I just about died laughing!

After the Toledo game, your boys' confidence was probably a little shaken, but after Saturday, I'm sure that was NOT what they expected. Those Bucks need you guys now more than ever, and an awesome turnout at the shoe will NEVER HURT.

Ya gotta scream, yell, kick, and let 'em hear ya - THAT, my Buckeye friends, is what being a College Football Fan is all about. Supporting your team, hell or high water. If it's high water, grab a f'in life jacket, and jump the hell into the deep end.

...anyways, I've done this before, have no issue doing it again:
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sharkonwheels;1995645; said:
Oh, one more thing - no such thing as a fair weather fan, or any other such nonsense.

You are either a FAN and support your team NO MATTER WHAT, or you're an f'ing bandwagoner, period.

Ain't no gray area, ain't no ifs ands or buts, ain't no fence sitting. Either support your team, or STFU and GTFO.

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