I worked until about midnight the night before, so I got up a little later than usual. I was in the shower, and I recall hearing my phone ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing. The only time I have had that happen before in my life was when my brother was in a motorcycle accident. Seemed like a bad omen. When I finally got out and answered, my brother told me a plane had hit one of the towers. It was all over the news. Looking at the hole in the tower, I thought it was just a mistake. I was even going to go down to work. Then the second plane hit - and everything changed. My brother is a contractor - and he told me to get out of the city, because there was no way those towers stay up after that type of hit. Minutes later - I recall being on the phone when I watched the first tower crumble. I was in shock - I was saying "it?s gone - the tower is actually gone". I used to work down there in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:PlaceName w:st="on">World</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Financial</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Center</st1:PlaceType></ST1:place. The atrium of my building had a view that looked up right to the towers. I still got my haircut down there. I walked past those towers hundreds of times going to work. Was completely surreal. Started calling everyone I could who worked in NY but lived in NJ - they were going to need a place to sleep. No mass transit was working - there were a few women who I needed to get, and I didn?t want them walking alone, so I walked all the way down the upper west side to midtown and back to get them. People were walking around like zombies - in shock. I recall seeing F-15s circling M<st1:City w:st="on">anhattan</ST1:p o</st1:City>verhead. I overhead people saying how scared that made them. Made me feel good.
Once I got everyone back to my apartment, I felt I needed to do something. There was a firehouse one block down from my apt, and I used to be a fireman, so I figured they may need some help. When I arrived, they told me I couldn?t ride for legal reasons, but they could sure use the help back at the house. Truck after truck came back - I unpacked and packed hose for over four hours. By the time I was done, there was not an inch of me that was not covered in white dust. Thankfully - every one of that houses guys came back ok. If they were further south, probably a different story. I recall between shifts looking to the south, and seeing this large cloud rise up from downtown. Still couldn?t believe what had happened.<O:p</O:p
The next day going to work - it was the quietest commute I have ever seen. No one said a work. I saw a guy in a three piece suit carrying a huge American flag as he walked down the street. People applauded. This one too. Getting to my desk - I pulled up something that I will never forget to this day - the US Treasury screen on Bloomberg was blank. The most liquid securities market in the world did not exist at that moment. Cantor Fitzgerald made that market, and they did not exist as a firm in a physical sense at that point any longer. I stared at the screen for at least ten minutes in disbelief.
Here we are five years later, and I am still not sure what they assholes think they accomplished. Yes - they knocked down two buildings, but other than bombing them into the Stone Age, out foreign policy has not changed one iota. As successful as it was tactically, it was a complete failure strategically. For the most part, the world has given us carte blanche to deal with them in any way we see fit. In the end, am I shocked that in five years we have not killed this piece of shit? Yes. On the other hand, am I shocked that they have not hit us again in five years. Yes, I am.<O:p</O:p