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#4 tOSU at Sparty, Thurs 2-25, 9 ET on ESPN

We should be up 8. I am not letting that go until this game is a win.

That was about as stupifying a calling off a shot as I have ever seen.

First it's called good on the floor then it CLEARLY is off his hand and they take it away.

I am so fawking pissed off right now.
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Yeah, as much BS as that call was, it’s the first half. Thank god the players don’t have that attitude.

There’s 40+ possessions still remaining for each team. Plenty of time to make up 3 points. Get an extra stop, make an extra bucket. No biggie, move on. Play ball.

No 3 points with 25 minutes of basketball is changing the game unless we’re back in the 1940’s pre-shot clock.
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Yeah, as much BS as that call was, it’s the first half. Thank god the players don’t have that attitude.

There’s 40+ possessions still remaining for each team. Plenty of time to make up 3 points. Get an extra stop, make an extra bucket. No biggie, move on. Play ball.

No 3 points with 25 minutes of basketball is changing the game unless we’re back in the 1940’s pre-shot clock.

Exactly. If it happens with 30 seconds left in the game that's a different story.
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