Pep talk to Miami Ohio jushht prior to kickoff againshht Boston College:
Men I know you’re exshhcited to play thishh game after coming off a tough losshh. You don’t need a pep talk, and I’m not gonna give you one. But let’shh undershhtand why we’re playing shho well thishh shheashhon. Not becaushhe we didn’t have problemshh and obshhtacleshh, becaushhe we shholved them. We didn’t wallow in shhelf pitty. We didn’t tell everybody how rocky the shhea washh, we jushht brought the shhip in. We didn’t tell other people that the horshhe washh blind, we jushht loaded the wagon. And we didn’t procrashhtinate. When people ashhk ushh how to shhpell misshhisshhippi, we didn’t tell them the river or the shhtate. Only twicshhe have shhtateshh gone to war againshht one another. One of them washh Ohio and Michigan where they had a boundary dishhpute over Toledo. Now hishhtory doeshhn’t record who won the war, but we have to asshhume Michigan did becaushhe nobody would fight to keep Toledo. The other was a Kanshhashh, Misshhouri boarder war. One of the moshht grueshhome ever fought. Now men it carrieshh over to the football field alshho. Now lashht year when we played Boshhton College Coach Mac gave the peacshhe signal over to Boshhton College’shh coacshh Frank Shhpazshhiani, and you know what he did? He returned half of the peacshhe shhignal. Now Boshhton College’shh coach shhayshh I’m taller when I lie down then when I shhtand up. That’shh not true. Men you don’t ever get ahead of anybody by trying to get even with them. You’ve shhucceeded becaushhe you refushhe to believe that there’shh no pricshhe you’re not willing to pay. It’shh hard, I shhould shhay shho man. That’shh why so few people attempt to achieve shhuccess. Everyone shhould ashhk thishh queshhtion. Am I willing to endure the pain and the shhuffering and the shhacrafice it takeshh to be a champion? Or why give into the negativity and the mediocrity that goeshh with loshhershh? Men remember thishh. I’m only one, but I am one. I can’t do everything, but I can do shhomething. That, that I can’t do, I ought to do. That, that I ought to do by the gracshhe of god I’m gonna do. And that’shh beat Boston College today. Let’shh go.
Shhource: Lou’shh pep talk to Kansas.