Loathing All Things Georgia
A 24-year-old woman attacked a 12-year-old girl for "looking at" her 30-year-old boyfriend, according to investigators in Connecticut.
You can't be too careful about letting younger women move in on your man in Connecticut.
A 24-year-old woman attacked a 12-year-old girl for "looking at" her 30-year-old boyfriend, according to investigators in Connecticut.
The suspect's boyfriend was in the kitchen cleaning up a spill when
Kiley allegedly claimed the child had "been looking at him all day," police told
the website. Kiley then grabbed the girl by her hair and hurled her to the
floor, investigators allege.
"She landed flat on her back, hitting the back of head on the floor," North
Branford Police Department Lt. David D?Ancicco told The Register Citizen.
"Everybody immediately came to the 12-year-old's aid," he noted. Family
members broke up the fight, which left the child with a bump on her head.
The victim, who is reportedly a friend of the suspect's younger sister, also
suffered an asthma attack.
You can't be too careful about letting younger women move in on your man in Connecticut.