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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

Ah just noticed that Connor Stalions is involved… yeah totally going to be some bull shit.

I can only imagine the lies and bull shit he’s going to say about other programs too.

Yea it’s stallions telling “his side of the story”. Dude is clearly an insanely obsessed Michigan super fan: it’s going to be nowhere near the truth or anything that would incriminate the university/football team.
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Yea it’s stallions telling “his side of the story”. Dude is clearly an insanely obsessed Michigan super fan: it’s going to be nowhere near the truth or anything that would incriminate the university/football team.
Right he already went down without ratting them out so he’s not going to start now

Edited: what a moron though. He’s doing this and it comes out the week of the opening game. He’s literally going to kick this all up 3 days before opening weekend.

I’m sort of anxious knowing that. Does he plan on saying some bull shit about us for example?
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The big ten is the only one who hit them early without the process being finished.

This may be a fluff piece but I totally disagree that nothing happens to them of significance. They do that and it’s a green light for future issues.

The big ten said they stole games and suspended their coach because it’s all they could do.

I truly think they’ll vacate all of it. Not sure if they’ll take scholarships and bowl ban them (they’ll use the excuse that they don’t want to harm currently players). However I really think how could they not take the last 3 seasons of games?

In the end the vacating really doesn’t matter though, we will get decades of the same “HANG THE BANNERS!” Crap that DFBIA did with the Fraud 5. They still got the satisfaction of beating us 3 years in a row and “winning” a national title. They completely compromised the integrity of the game and we got a “well let’s wait and see” approach when it came to any real punishment.

The punishment needs to fit the crime. It should be something that severely handicaps their program for at least equal amount of time that they compromised the game for all their opponents.
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In the end the vacating really doesn’t matter though, we will get decades of the same “HANG THE BANNERS!” Crap that DFBIA did with the Fraud 5. They still got the satisfaction of beating us 3 years in a row and “winning” a national title. They completely compromised the integrity of the game and we got a “well let’s wait and see” approach when it came to any real punishment.

The punishment needs to fit the crime. It should be something that severely handicaps their program for at least equal amount of time that they compromised the game for all their opponents.
Oh I agree and if the NCAA has balls they’d give them a multiple year post season ban.

Thats why I really wanted to see them ruled ineligible this past year mid season. I knew if they found a way to win it all they’d always have the memories and the feeling of being the last team standing.
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Oh I agree and if the NCAA has balls they’d give them a multiple year post season ban.

Thats why I really wanted to see them ruled ineligible this past year mid season. I knew if they found a way to win it all they’d always have the memories and the feeling of being the last team standing.

3 year post season ban and significant scholarship and recruiting restrictions for that same time period, anything less is a sham.
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Right he already went down without ratting them out so he’s not going to start now

Edited: what a moron though. He’s doing this and it comes out the week of the opening game. He’s literally going to kick this all up 3 days before opening weekend.

I’m sort of anxious knowing that. Does he plan on saying some bull shit about us for example?
Which will be loud and blatant taunting of the NCAA, who is desperate to appear credible and the most offensive violation you can commit is deceiving or shaming them privately (let alone in a documentary)

all possibly before the NCAA hands in their notice of allegations for these misdeeds. they haven't actually gone down that road yet

It will be fun if a manifesto creator gets the same creative accommodation as the greatest bball player of all time.
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